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Build a powerful and beautiful Windows Terminal by powerlevel10k

Build a powerful and beautiful Windows Terminal by powerlevel10k. The engineers always need to use the terminal to manage their Linux system. Including the git file version control. Or connect to the remote server. We almost run every command on the Terminal. So a powerful and beautiful terminal will help the engineer a lot. It improves our working efficiency and saves a lot of our time.

We can easily make our terminal become powerful and beautiful. But we also can do it on the Windows Terminal on the WLS Ubuntu.


Go to windows wsl

Typed the wsl command to go to the Windows Linux system

wsl -d Ubuntu-20.04

Install zsh

The powerlevel10k package is based on the zsh package, so we have to install the zsh first.

sudo apt-get install zsh

Install Oh My Zsh

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"

Install Nerd fonts

We can use the powerlevel10k recommend fonts MesloLGS NF to display our terminal fonts

After downloading the font on Windows. You can click the font file and click the Install button on the top to install the fonts.


Setting Windows Terminal Fonts

You can press the Shift + Ctrl + , (comma) to open the setting on the Windows Terminal. Or you can click the right mouse to show the menu, and click Setting items to show the setting page on the Windows Terminal.


Click the Defaults tabs on the left side, and click the Appearance on the right side.


Setting the Font face to the MesloLGS NF. And click the Save button the save the changes.


Download powerlevel10k to Oh My Zsh themes

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k

Setting ZSH themes to powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k

Edit the ~/.zshrc file. And set the ZSH_THEME variable to the powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k

vim ~/.zshrc

After update the zsh themes variable, you have to re-login the wsl to activate the zsh setting

Setting powerlevel10k

Run the p10k configure command to setup the themes that you want on the powerlevel10k

p10k configure


After setting powerlevel10k finish, you can start to use a powerful and beautiful Windows Terminal. And you can run the p10k configure command to change the powerlevel10k themes anytime


If you haven’t set powerlevel10k themes yet. It will show the setting hint when you open the Windows Terminal on wsl every time.

If you want to close the hint message. You can type the following command to close the hint.



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