Featured image of post 【CSS Framework TailwindCSS】Cheetsheet: Backgrounds, Spacing, Sizing, Typography, Borders, Flexbox & Grid, Layout, Effects

【CSS Framework TailwindCSS】Cheetsheet: Backgrounds, Spacing, Sizing, Typography, Borders, Flexbox & Grid, Layout, Effects

【CSS Framework TailwindCSS】Cheetsheet: Backgrounds, Spacing, Sizing, Typography, Borders, Flexbox & Grid, Layout, Effects

<script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com/3.2.4"></script>


Background Color


Name Properties Color
bg-inheritbackground-color: inherit;
bg-currentbackground-color: currentColor;
bg-transparentbackground-color: transparent;
bg-blackbackground-color: rgb(0 0 0);
bg-whitebackground-color: rgb(255 255 255);
bg-slate-50background-color: rgb(248 250 252);
bg-slate-100background-color: rgb(241 245 249);
bg-slate-200background-color: rgb(226 232 240);
bg-slate-300background-color: rgb(203 213 225);
bg-slate-400background-color: rgb(148 163 184);
bg-slate-500background-color: rgb(100 116 139);
bg-slate-600background-color: rgb(71 85 105);
bg-slate-700background-color: rgb(51 65 85);
bg-slate-800background-color: rgb(30 41 59);
bg-slate-900background-color: rgb(15 23 42);
bg-gray-50background-color: rgb(249 250 251);
bg-gray-100background-color: rgb(243 244 246);
bg-gray-200background-color: rgb(229 231 235);
bg-gray-300background-color: rgb(209 213 219);
bg-gray-400background-color: rgb(156 163 175);
bg-gray-500background-color: rgb(107 114 128);
bg-gray-600background-color: rgb(75 85 99);
bg-gray-700background-color: rgb(55 65 81);
bg-gray-800background-color: rgb(31 41 55);
bg-gray-900background-color: rgb(17 24 39);
bg-zinc-50background-color: rgb(250 250 250);
bg-zinc-100background-color: rgb(244 244 245);
bg-zinc-200background-color: rgb(228 228 231);
bg-zinc-300background-color: rgb(212 212 216);
bg-zinc-400background-color: rgb(161 161 170);
bg-zinc-500background-color: rgb(113 113 122);
bg-zinc-600background-color: rgb(82 82 91);
bg-zinc-700background-color: rgb(63 63 70);
bg-zinc-800background-color: rgb(39 39 42);
bg-zinc-900background-color: rgb(24 24 27);
bg-neutral-50background-color: rgb(250 250 250);
bg-neutral-100background-color: rgb(245 245 245);
bg-neutral-200background-color: rgb(229 229 229);
bg-neutral-300background-color: rgb(212 212 212);
bg-neutral-400background-color: rgb(163 163 163);
bg-neutral-500background-color: rgb(115 115 115);
bg-neutral-600background-color: rgb(82 82 82);
bg-neutral-700background-color: rgb(64 64 64);
bg-neutral-800background-color: rgb(38 38 38);
bg-neutral-900background-color: rgb(23 23 23);
bg-stone-50background-color: rgb(250 250 249);
bg-stone-100background-color: rgb(245 245 244);
bg-stone-200background-color: rgb(231 229 228);
bg-stone-300background-color: rgb(214 211 209);
bg-stone-400background-color: rgb(168 162 158);
bg-stone-500background-color: rgb(120 113 108);
bg-stone-600background-color: rgb(87 83 78);
bg-stone-700background-color: rgb(68 64 60);
bg-stone-800background-color: rgb(41 37 36);
bg-stone-900background-color: rgb(28 25 23);
bg-red-50background-color: rgb(254 242 242);
bg-red-100background-color: rgb(254 226 226);
bg-red-200background-color: rgb(254 202 202);
bg-red-300background-color: rgb(252 165 165);
bg-red-400background-color: rgb(248 113 113);
bg-red-500background-color: rgb(239 68 68);
bg-red-600background-color: rgb(220 38 38);
bg-red-700background-color: rgb(185 28 28);
bg-red-800background-color: rgb(153 27 27);
bg-red-900background-color: rgb(127 29 29);
bg-orange-50background-color: rgb(255 247 237);
bg-orange-100background-color: rgb(255 237 213);
bg-orange-200background-color: rgb(254 215 170);
bg-orange-300background-color: rgb(253 186 116);
bg-orange-400background-color: rgb(251 146 60);
bg-orange-500background-color: rgb(249 115 22);
bg-orange-600background-color: rgb(234 88 12);
bg-orange-700background-color: rgb(194 65 12);
bg-orange-800background-color: rgb(154 52 18);
bg-orange-900background-color: rgb(124 45 18);
bg-amber-50background-color: rgb(255 251 235);
bg-amber-100background-color: rgb(254 243 199);
bg-amber-200background-color: rgb(253 230 138);
bg-amber-300background-color: rgb(252 211 77);
bg-amber-400background-color: rgb(251 191 36);
bg-amber-500background-color: rgb(245 158 11);
bg-amber-600background-color: rgb(217 119 6);
bg-amber-700background-color: rgb(180 83 9);
bg-amber-800background-color: rgb(146 64 14);
bg-amber-900background-color: rgb(120 53 15);
bg-yellow-50background-color: rgb(254 252 232);
bg-yellow-100background-color: rgb(254 249 195);
bg-yellow-200background-color: rgb(254 240 138);
bg-yellow-300background-color: rgb(253 224 71);
bg-yellow-400background-color: rgb(250 204 21);
bg-yellow-500background-color: rgb(234 179 8);
bg-yellow-600background-color: rgb(202 138 4);
bg-yellow-700background-color: rgb(161 98 7);
bg-yellow-800background-color: rgb(133 77 14);
bg-yellow-900background-color: rgb(113 63 18);
bg-lime-50background-color: rgb(247 254 231);
bg-lime-100background-color: rgb(236 252 203);
bg-lime-200background-color: rgb(217 249 157);
bg-lime-300background-color: rgb(190 242 100);
bg-lime-400background-color: rgb(163 230 53);
bg-lime-500background-color: rgb(132 204 22);
bg-lime-600background-color: rgb(101 163 13);
bg-lime-700background-color: rgb(77 124 15);
bg-lime-800background-color: rgb(63 98 18);
bg-lime-900background-color: rgb(54 83 20);
bg-green-50background-color: rgb(240 253 244);
bg-green-100background-color: rgb(220 252 231);
bg-green-200background-color: rgb(187 247 208);
bg-green-300background-color: rgb(134 239 172);
bg-green-400background-color: rgb(74 222 128);
bg-green-500background-color: rgb(34 197 94);
bg-green-600background-color: rgb(22 163 74);
bg-green-700background-color: rgb(21 128 61);
bg-green-800background-color: rgb(22 101 52);
bg-green-900background-color: rgb(20 83 45);
bg-emerald-50background-color: rgb(236 253 245);
bg-emerald-100background-color: rgb(209 250 229);
bg-emerald-200background-color: rgb(167 243 208);
bg-emerald-300background-color: rgb(110 231 183);
bg-emerald-400background-color: rgb(52 211 153);
bg-emerald-500background-color: rgb(16 185 129);
bg-emerald-600background-color: rgb(5 150 105);
bg-emerald-700background-color: rgb(4 120 87);
bg-emerald-800background-color: rgb(6 95 70);
bg-emerald-900background-color: rgb(6 78 59);
bg-teal-50background-color: rgb(240 253 250);
bg-teal-100background-color: rgb(204 251 241);
bg-teal-200background-color: rgb(153 246 228);
bg-teal-300background-color: rgb(94 234 212);
bg-teal-400background-color: rgb(45 212 191);
bg-teal-500background-color: rgb(20 184 166);
bg-teal-600background-color: rgb(13 148 136);
bg-teal-700background-color: rgb(15 118 110);
bg-teal-800background-color: rgb(17 94 89);
bg-teal-900background-color: rgb(19 78 74);
bg-cyan-50background-color: rgb(236 254 255);
bg-cyan-100background-color: rgb(207 250 254);
bg-cyan-200background-color: rgb(165 243 252);
bg-cyan-300background-color: rgb(103 232 249);
bg-cyan-400background-color: rgb(34 211 238);
bg-cyan-500background-color: rgb(6 182 212);
bg-cyan-600background-color: rgb(8 145 178);
bg-cyan-700background-color: rgb(14 116 144);
bg-cyan-800background-color: rgb(21 94 117);
bg-cyan-900background-color: rgb(22 78 99);
bg-sky-50background-color: rgb(240 249 255);
bg-sky-100background-color: rgb(224 242 254);
bg-sky-200background-color: rgb(186 230 253);
bg-sky-300background-color: rgb(125 211 252);
bg-sky-400background-color: rgb(56 189 248);
bg-sky-500background-color: rgb(14 165 233);
bg-sky-600background-color: rgb(2 132 199);
bg-sky-700background-color: rgb(3 105 161);
bg-sky-800background-color: rgb(7 89 133);
bg-sky-900background-color: rgb(12 74 110);
bg-blue-50background-color: rgb(239 246 255);
bg-blue-100background-color: rgb(219 234 254);
bg-blue-200background-color: rgb(191 219 254);
bg-blue-300background-color: rgb(147 197 253);
bg-blue-400background-color: rgb(96 165 250);
bg-blue-500background-color: rgb(59 130 246);
bg-blue-600background-color: rgb(37 99 235);
bg-blue-700background-color: rgb(29 78 216);
bg-blue-800background-color: rgb(30 64 175);
bg-blue-900background-color: rgb(30 58 138);
bg-indigo-50background-color: rgb(238 242 255);
bg-indigo-100background-color: rgb(224 231 255);
bg-indigo-200background-color: rgb(199 210 254);
bg-indigo-300background-color: rgb(165 180 252);
bg-indigo-400background-color: rgb(129 140 248);
bg-indigo-500background-color: rgb(99 102 241);
bg-indigo-600background-color: rgb(79 70 229);
bg-indigo-700background-color: rgb(67 56 202);
bg-indigo-800background-color: rgb(55 48 163);
bg-indigo-900background-color: rgb(49 46 129);
bg-violet-50background-color: rgb(245 243 255);
bg-violet-100background-color: rgb(237 233 254);
bg-violet-200background-color: rgb(221 214 254);
bg-violet-300background-color: rgb(196 181 253);
bg-violet-400background-color: rgb(167 139 250);
bg-violet-500background-color: rgb(139 92 246);
bg-violet-600background-color: rgb(124 58 237);
bg-violet-700background-color: rgb(109 40 217);
bg-violet-800background-color: rgb(91 33 182);
bg-violet-900background-color: rgb(76 29 149);
bg-purple-50background-color: rgb(250 245 255);
bg-purple-100background-color: rgb(243 232 255);
bg-purple-200background-color: rgb(233 213 255);
bg-purple-300background-color: rgb(216 180 254);
bg-purple-400background-color: rgb(192 132 252);
bg-purple-500background-color: rgb(168 85 247);
bg-purple-600background-color: rgb(147 51 234);
bg-purple-700background-color: rgb(126 34 206);
bg-purple-800background-color: rgb(107 33 168);
bg-purple-900background-color: rgb(88 28 135);
bg-fuchsia-50background-color: rgb(253 244 255);
bg-fuchsia-100background-color: rgb(250 232 255);
bg-fuchsia-200background-color: rgb(245 208 254);
bg-fuchsia-300background-color: rgb(240 171 252);
bg-fuchsia-400background-color: rgb(232 121 249);
bg-fuchsia-500background-color: rgb(217 70 239);
bg-fuchsia-600background-color: rgb(192 38 211);
bg-fuchsia-700background-color: rgb(162 28 175);
bg-fuchsia-800background-color: rgb(134 25 143);
bg-fuchsia-900background-color: rgb(112 26 117);
bg-pink-50background-color: rgb(253 242 248);
bg-pink-100background-color: rgb(252 231 243);
bg-pink-200background-color: rgb(251 207 232);
bg-pink-300background-color: rgb(249 168 212);
bg-pink-400background-color: rgb(244 114 182);
bg-pink-500background-color: rgb(236 72 153);
bg-pink-600background-color: rgb(219 39 119);
bg-pink-700background-color: rgb(190 24 93);
bg-pink-800background-color: rgb(157 23 77);
bg-pink-900background-color: rgb(131 24 67);
bg-rose-50background-color: rgb(255 241 242);
bg-rose-100background-color: rgb(255 228 230);
bg-rose-200background-color: rgb(254 205 211);
bg-rose-300background-color: rgb(253 164 175);
bg-rose-400background-color: rgb(251 113 133);
bg-rose-500background-color: rgb(244 63 94);
bg-rose-600background-color: rgb(225 29 72);
bg-rose-700background-color: rgb(190 18 60);
bg-rose-800background-color: rgb(159 18 57);
bg-rose-900background-color: rgb(136 19 55);

Background Position


Class name Properties
bg-bottom background-position: bottom;
bg-center background-position: center;
bg-left background-position: left;
bg-left-bottom background-position: left bottom;
bg-left-top background-position: left top;
bg-right background-position: right;
bg-right-bottom background-position: right bottom;
bg-right-top background-position: right top;
bg-top background-position: top;

Background Attachment


Class name Properties
bg-fixed background-attachment: fixed;
bg-local background-attachment: local;
bg-scroll background-attachment: scroll;

Background Clip


Class name Properties
bg-clip-border background-clip: border-box;
bg-clip-padding background-clip: padding-box;
bg-clip-content background-clip: content-box;
bg-clip-text background-clip: text;

Background Origin


Class name Properties
bg-origin-border background-origin: border-box;
bg-origin-padding background-origin: padding-box;
bg-origin-content background-origin: content-box;

Background Repeat


Class name Properties
bg-repeat background-repeat: repeat;
bg-no-repeat background-repeat: no-repeat;
bg-repeat-x background-repeat: repeat-x;
bg-repeat-y background-repeat: repeat-y;
bg-repeat-round background-repeat: round;
bg-repeat-space background-repeat: space;

Background Size


Class name Properties
bg-auto background-size: auto;
bg-cover background-size: cover;
bg-contain background-size: contain;

Background Image


Class name Properties
bg-none background-image: none;
bg-gradient-to-t background-image: linear-gradient(to top, var(–tw-gradient-stops));
bg-gradient-to-tr background-image: linear-gradient(to top right, var(–tw-gradient-stops));
bg-gradient-to-r background-image: linear-gradient(to right, var(–tw-gradient-stops));
bg-gradient-to-br background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom right, var(–tw-gradient-stops));
bg-gradient-to-b background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, var(–tw-gradient-stops));
bg-gradient-to-bl background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom left, var(–tw-gradient-stops));
bg-gradient-to-l background-image: linear-gradient(to left, var(–tw-gradient-stops));
bg-gradient-to-tl background-image: linear-gradient(to top left, var(–tw-gradient-stops));

Gradient Color Stops





Class name Properties
m-0 margin: 0px;
mx-0 margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px;
my-0 margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;
mt-0 margin-top: 0px;
mr-0 margin-right: 0px;
mb-0 margin-bottom: 0px;
ml-0 margin-left: 0px;
m-px margin: 1px;
mx-px margin-left: 1px; margin-right: 1px;
my-px margin-top: 1px; margin-bottom: 1px;
mt-px margin-top: 1px;
mr-px margin-right: 1px;
mb-px margin-bottom: 1px;
ml-px margin-left: 1px;
m-0.5 margin: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
mx-0.5 margin-left: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ margin-right: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
my-0.5 margin-top: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ margin-bottom: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
mt-0.5 margin-top: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
mr-0.5 margin-right: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
mb-0.5 margin-bottom: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
ml-0.5 margin-left: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
m-1 margin: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
mx-1 margin-left: 0.25rem; /* 4px */ margin-right: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
my-1 margin-top: 0.25rem; /* 4px */ margin-bottom: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
mt-1 margin-top: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
mr-1 margin-right: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
mb-1 margin-bottom: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
ml-1 margin-left: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
m-1.5 margin: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
mx-1.5 margin-left: 0.375rem; /* 6px */ margin-right: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
my-1.5 margin-top: 0.375rem; /* 6px */ margin-bottom: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
mt-1.5 margin-top: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
mr-1.5 margin-right: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
mb-1.5 margin-bottom: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
ml-1.5 margin-left: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
m-2 margin: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
mx-2 margin-left: 0.5rem; /* 8px */ margin-right: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
my-2 margin-top: 0.5rem; /* 8px */ margin-bottom: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
mt-2 margin-top: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
mr-2 margin-right: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
mb-2 margin-bottom: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
ml-2 margin-left: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
m-2.5 margin: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
mx-2.5 margin-left: 0.625rem; /* 10px */ margin-right: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
my-2.5 margin-top: 0.625rem; /* 10px */ margin-bottom: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
mt-2.5 margin-top: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
mr-2.5 margin-right: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
mb-2.5 margin-bottom: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
ml-2.5 margin-left: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
m-3 margin: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
mx-3 margin-left: 0.75rem; /* 12px */ margin-right: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
my-3 margin-top: 0.75rem; /* 12px */ margin-bottom: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
mt-3 margin-top: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
mr-3 margin-right: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
mb-3 margin-bottom: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
ml-3 margin-left: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
m-3.5 margin: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
mx-3.5 margin-left: 0.875rem; /* 14px */ margin-right: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
my-3.5 margin-top: 0.875rem; /* 14px */ margin-bottom: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
mt-3.5 margin-top: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
mr-3.5 margin-right: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
mb-3.5 margin-bottom: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
ml-3.5 margin-left: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
m-4 margin: 1rem; /* 16px */
mx-4 margin-left: 1rem; /* 16px */ margin-right: 1rem; /* 16px */
my-4 margin-top: 1rem; /* 16px */ margin-bottom: 1rem; /* 16px */
mt-4 margin-top: 1rem; /* 16px */
mr-4 margin-right: 1rem; /* 16px */
mb-4 margin-bottom: 1rem; /* 16px */
ml-4 margin-left: 1rem; /* 16px */
m-5 margin: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
mx-5 margin-left: 1.25rem; /* 20px */ margin-right: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
my-5 margin-top: 1.25rem; /* 20px */ margin-bottom: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
mt-5 margin-top: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
mr-5 margin-right: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
mb-5 margin-bottom: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
ml-5 margin-left: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
m-6 margin: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
mx-6 margin-left: 1.5rem; /* 24px */ margin-right: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
my-6 margin-top: 1.5rem; /* 24px */ margin-bottom: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
mt-6 margin-top: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
mr-6 margin-right: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
mb-6 margin-bottom: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
ml-6 margin-left: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
m-7 margin: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
mx-7 margin-left: 1.75rem; /* 28px */ margin-right: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
my-7 margin-top: 1.75rem; /* 28px */ margin-bottom: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
mt-7 margin-top: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
mr-7 margin-right: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
mb-7 margin-bottom: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
ml-7 margin-left: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
m-8 margin: 2rem; /* 32px */
mx-8 margin-left: 2rem; /* 32px */ margin-right: 2rem; /* 32px */
my-8 margin-top: 2rem; /* 32px */ margin-bottom: 2rem; /* 32px */
mt-8 margin-top: 2rem; /* 32px */
mr-8 margin-right: 2rem; /* 32px */
mb-8 margin-bottom: 2rem; /* 32px */
ml-8 margin-left: 2rem; /* 32px */
m-9 margin: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
mx-9 margin-left: 2.25rem; /* 36px */ margin-right: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
my-9 margin-top: 2.25rem; /* 36px */ margin-bottom: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
mt-9 margin-top: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
mr-9 margin-right: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
mb-9 margin-bottom: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
ml-9 margin-left: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
m-10 margin: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
mx-10 margin-left: 2.5rem; /* 40px */ margin-right: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
my-10 margin-top: 2.5rem; /* 40px */ margin-bottom: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
mt-10 margin-top: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
mr-10 margin-right: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
mb-10 margin-bottom: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
ml-10 margin-left: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
m-11 margin: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
mx-11 margin-left: 2.75rem; /* 44px */ margin-right: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
my-11 margin-top: 2.75rem; /* 44px */ margin-bottom: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
mt-11 margin-top: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
mr-11 margin-right: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
mb-11 margin-bottom: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
ml-11 margin-left: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
m-12 margin: 3rem; /* 48px */
mx-12 margin-left: 3rem; /* 48px */ margin-right: 3rem; /* 48px */
my-12 margin-top: 3rem; /* 48px */ margin-bottom: 3rem; /* 48px */
mt-12 margin-top: 3rem; /* 48px */
mr-12 margin-right: 3rem; /* 48px */
mb-12 margin-bottom: 3rem; /* 48px */
ml-12 margin-left: 3rem; /* 48px */
m-14 margin: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
mx-14 margin-left: 3.5rem; /* 56px */ margin-right: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
my-14 margin-top: 3.5rem; /* 56px */ margin-bottom: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
mt-14 margin-top: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
mr-14 margin-right: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
mb-14 margin-bottom: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
ml-14 margin-left: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
m-16 margin: 4rem; /* 64px */
mx-16 margin-left: 4rem; /* 64px */ margin-right: 4rem; /* 64px */
my-16 margin-top: 4rem; /* 64px */ margin-bottom: 4rem; /* 64px */
mt-16 margin-top: 4rem; /* 64px */
mr-16 margin-right: 4rem; /* 64px */
mb-16 margin-bottom: 4rem; /* 64px */
ml-16 margin-left: 4rem; /* 64px */
m-20 margin: 5rem; /* 80px */
mx-20 margin-left: 5rem; /* 80px */ margin-right: 5rem; /* 80px */
my-20 margin-top: 5rem; /* 80px */ margin-bottom: 5rem; /* 80px */
mt-20 margin-top: 5rem; /* 80px */
mr-20 margin-right: 5rem; /* 80px */
mb-20 margin-bottom: 5rem; /* 80px */
ml-20 margin-left: 5rem; /* 80px */
m-24 margin: 6rem; /* 96px */
mx-24 margin-left: 6rem; /* 96px */ margin-right: 6rem; /* 96px */
my-24 margin-top: 6rem; /* 96px */ margin-bottom: 6rem; /* 96px */
mt-24 margin-top: 6rem; /* 96px */
mr-24 margin-right: 6rem; /* 96px */
mb-24 margin-bottom: 6rem; /* 96px */
ml-24 margin-left: 6rem; /* 96px */
m-28 margin: 7rem; /* 112px */
mx-28 margin-left: 7rem; /* 112px */ margin-right: 7rem; /* 112px */
my-28 margin-top: 7rem; /* 112px */ margin-bottom: 7rem; /* 112px */
mt-28 margin-top: 7rem; /* 112px */
mr-28 margin-right: 7rem; /* 112px */
mb-28 margin-bottom: 7rem; /* 112px */
ml-28 margin-left: 7rem; /* 112px */
m-32 margin: 8rem; /* 128px */
mx-32 margin-left: 8rem; /* 128px */ margin-right: 8rem; /* 128px */
my-32 margin-top: 8rem; /* 128px */ margin-bottom: 8rem; /* 128px */
mt-32 margin-top: 8rem; /* 128px */
mr-32 margin-right: 8rem; /* 128px */
mb-32 margin-bottom: 8rem; /* 128px */
ml-32 margin-left: 8rem; /* 128px */
m-36 margin: 9rem; /* 144px */
mx-36 margin-left: 9rem; /* 144px */ margin-right: 9rem; /* 144px */
my-36 margin-top: 9rem; /* 144px */ margin-bottom: 9rem; /* 144px */
mt-36 margin-top: 9rem; /* 144px */
mr-36 margin-right: 9rem; /* 144px */
mb-36 margin-bottom: 9rem; /* 144px */
ml-36 margin-left: 9rem; /* 144px */
m-40 margin: 10rem; /* 160px */
mx-40 margin-left: 10rem; /* 160px */ margin-right: 10rem; /* 160px */
my-40 margin-top: 10rem; /* 160px */ margin-bottom: 10rem; /* 160px */
mt-40 margin-top: 10rem; /* 160px */
mr-40 margin-right: 10rem; /* 160px */
mb-40 margin-bottom: 10rem; /* 160px */
ml-40 margin-left: 10rem; /* 160px */
m-44 margin: 11rem; /* 176px */
mx-44 margin-left: 11rem; /* 176px */ margin-right: 11rem; /* 176px */
my-44 margin-top: 11rem; /* 176px */ margin-bottom: 11rem; /* 176px */
mt-44 margin-top: 11rem; /* 176px */
mr-44 margin-right: 11rem; /* 176px */
mb-44 margin-bottom: 11rem; /* 176px */
ml-44 margin-left: 11rem; /* 176px */
m-48 margin: 12rem; /* 192px */
mx-48 margin-left: 12rem; /* 192px */ margin-right: 12rem; /* 192px */
my-48 margin-top: 12rem; /* 192px */ margin-bottom: 12rem; /* 192px */
mt-48 margin-top: 12rem; /* 192px */
mr-48 margin-right: 12rem; /* 192px */
mb-48 margin-bottom: 12rem; /* 192px */
ml-48 margin-left: 12rem; /* 192px */
m-52 margin: 13rem; /* 208px */
mx-52 margin-left: 13rem; /* 208px */ margin-right: 13rem; /* 208px */
my-52 margin-top: 13rem; /* 208px */ margin-bottom: 13rem; /* 208px */
mt-52 margin-top: 13rem; /* 208px */
mr-52 margin-right: 13rem; /* 208px */
mb-52 margin-bottom: 13rem; /* 208px */
ml-52 margin-left: 13rem; /* 208px */
m-56 margin: 14rem; /* 224px */
mx-56 margin-left: 14rem; /* 224px */ margin-right: 14rem; /* 224px */
my-56 margin-top: 14rem; /* 224px */ margin-bottom: 14rem; /* 224px */
mt-56 margin-top: 14rem; /* 224px */
mr-56 margin-right: 14rem; /* 224px */
mb-56 margin-bottom: 14rem; /* 224px */
ml-56 margin-left: 14rem; /* 224px */
m-60 margin: 15rem; /* 240px */
mx-60 margin-left: 15rem; /* 240px */ margin-right: 15rem; /* 240px */
my-60 margin-top: 15rem; /* 240px */ margin-bottom: 15rem; /* 240px */
mt-60 margin-top: 15rem; /* 240px */
mr-60 margin-right: 15rem; /* 240px */
mb-60 margin-bottom: 15rem; /* 240px */
ml-60 margin-left: 15rem; /* 240px */
m-64 margin: 16rem; /* 256px */
mx-64 margin-left: 16rem; /* 256px */ margin-right: 16rem; /* 256px */
my-64 margin-top: 16rem; /* 256px */ margin-bottom: 16rem; /* 256px */
mt-64 margin-top: 16rem; /* 256px */
mr-64 margin-right: 16rem; /* 256px */
mb-64 margin-bottom: 16rem; /* 256px */
ml-64 margin-left: 16rem; /* 256px */
m-72 margin: 18rem; /* 288px */
mx-72 margin-left: 18rem; /* 288px */ margin-right: 18rem; /* 288px */
my-72 margin-top: 18rem; /* 288px */ margin-bottom: 18rem; /* 288px */
mt-72 margin-top: 18rem; /* 288px */
mr-72 margin-right: 18rem; /* 288px */
mb-72 margin-bottom: 18rem; /* 288px */
ml-72 margin-left: 18rem; /* 288px */
m-80 margin: 20rem; /* 320px */
mx-80 margin-left: 20rem; /* 320px */ margin-right: 20rem; /* 320px */
my-80 margin-top: 20rem; /* 320px */ margin-bottom: 20rem; /* 320px */
mt-80 margin-top: 20rem; /* 320px */
mr-80 margin-right: 20rem; /* 320px */
mb-80 margin-bottom: 20rem; /* 320px */
ml-80 margin-left: 20rem; /* 320px */
m-96 margin: 24rem; /* 384px */
mx-96 margin-left: 24rem; /* 384px */ margin-right: 24rem; /* 384px */
my-96 margin-top: 24rem; /* 384px */ margin-bottom: 24rem; /* 384px */
mt-96 margin-top: 24rem; /* 384px */
mr-96 margin-right: 24rem; /* 384px */
mb-96 margin-bottom: 24rem; /* 384px */
ml-96 margin-left: 24rem; /* 384px */
m-auto margin: auto;
mx-auto margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;
my-auto margin-top: auto; margin-bottom: auto;
mt-auto margin-top: auto;
mr-auto margin-right: auto;
mb-auto margin-bottom: auto;
ml-auto margin-left: auto;



Class name Properties
p-0 padding: 0px;
px-0 padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px;
py-0 padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;
pt-0 padding-top: 0px;
pr-0 padding-right: 0px;
pb-0 padding-bottom: 0px;
pl-0 padding-left: 0px;
p-px padding: 1px;
px-px padding-left: 1px; padding-right: 1px;
py-px padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px;
pt-px padding-top: 1px;
pr-px padding-right: 1px;
pb-px padding-bottom: 1px;
pl-px padding-left: 1px;
p-0.5 padding: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
px-0.5 padding-left: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ padding-right: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
py-0.5 padding-top: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ padding-bottom: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
pt-0.5 padding-top: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
pr-0.5 padding-right: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
pb-0.5 padding-bottom: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
pl-0.5 padding-left: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
p-1 padding: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
px-1 padding-left: 0.25rem; /* 4px */ padding-right: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
py-1 padding-top: 0.25rem; /* 4px */ padding-bottom: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
pt-1 padding-top: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
pr-1 padding-right: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
pb-1 padding-bottom: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
pl-1 padding-left: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
p-1.5 padding: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
px-1.5 padding-left: 0.375rem; /* 6px */ padding-right: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
py-1.5 padding-top: 0.375rem; /* 6px */ padding-bottom: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
pt-1.5 padding-top: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
pr-1.5 padding-right: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
pb-1.5 padding-bottom: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
pl-1.5 padding-left: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
p-2 padding: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
px-2 padding-left: 0.5rem; /* 8px */ padding-right: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
py-2 padding-top: 0.5rem; /* 8px */ padding-bottom: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
pt-2 padding-top: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
pr-2 padding-right: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
pb-2 padding-bottom: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
pl-2 padding-left: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
p-2.5 padding: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
px-2.5 padding-left: 0.625rem; /* 10px */ padding-right: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
py-2.5 padding-top: 0.625rem; /* 10px */ padding-bottom: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
pt-2.5 padding-top: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
pr-2.5 padding-right: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
pb-2.5 padding-bottom: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
pl-2.5 padding-left: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
p-3 padding: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
px-3 padding-left: 0.75rem; /* 12px */ padding-right: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
py-3 padding-top: 0.75rem; /* 12px */ padding-bottom: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
pt-3 padding-top: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
pr-3 padding-right: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
pb-3 padding-bottom: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
pl-3 padding-left: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
p-3.5 padding: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
px-3.5 padding-left: 0.875rem; /* 14px */ padding-right: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
py-3.5 padding-top: 0.875rem; /* 14px */ padding-bottom: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
pt-3.5 padding-top: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
pr-3.5 padding-right: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
pb-3.5 padding-bottom: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
pl-3.5 padding-left: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
p-4 padding: 1rem; /* 16px */
px-4 padding-left: 1rem; /* 16px */ padding-right: 1rem; /* 16px */
py-4 padding-top: 1rem; /* 16px */ padding-bottom: 1rem; /* 16px */
pt-4 padding-top: 1rem; /* 16px */
pr-4 padding-right: 1rem; /* 16px */
pb-4 padding-bottom: 1rem; /* 16px */
pl-4 padding-left: 1rem; /* 16px */
p-5 padding: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
px-5 padding-left: 1.25rem; /* 20px */ padding-right: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
py-5 padding-top: 1.25rem; /* 20px */ padding-bottom: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
pt-5 padding-top: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
pr-5 padding-right: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
pb-5 padding-bottom: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
pl-5 padding-left: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
p-6 padding: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
px-6 padding-left: 1.5rem; /* 24px */ padding-right: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
py-6 padding-top: 1.5rem; /* 24px */ padding-bottom: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
pt-6 padding-top: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
pr-6 padding-right: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
pb-6 padding-bottom: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
pl-6 padding-left: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
p-7 padding: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
px-7 padding-left: 1.75rem; /* 28px */ padding-right: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
py-7 padding-top: 1.75rem; /* 28px */ padding-bottom: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
pt-7 padding-top: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
pr-7 padding-right: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
pb-7 padding-bottom: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
pl-7 padding-left: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
p-8 padding: 2rem; /* 32px */
px-8 padding-left: 2rem; /* 32px */ padding-right: 2rem; /* 32px */
py-8 padding-top: 2rem; /* 32px */ padding-bottom: 2rem; /* 32px */
pt-8 padding-top: 2rem; /* 32px */
pr-8 padding-right: 2rem; /* 32px */
pb-8 padding-bottom: 2rem; /* 32px */
pl-8 padding-left: 2rem; /* 32px */
p-9 padding: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
px-9 padding-left: 2.25rem; /* 36px */ padding-right: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
py-9 padding-top: 2.25rem; /* 36px */ padding-bottom: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
pt-9 padding-top: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
pr-9 padding-right: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
pb-9 padding-bottom: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
pl-9 padding-left: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
p-10 padding: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
px-10 padding-left: 2.5rem; /* 40px */ padding-right: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
py-10 padding-top: 2.5rem; /* 40px */ padding-bottom: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
pt-10 padding-top: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
pr-10 padding-right: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
pb-10 padding-bottom: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
pl-10 padding-left: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
p-11 padding: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
px-11 padding-left: 2.75rem; /* 44px */ padding-right: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
py-11 padding-top: 2.75rem; /* 44px */ padding-bottom: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
pt-11 padding-top: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
pr-11 padding-right: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
pb-11 padding-bottom: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
pl-11 padding-left: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
p-12 padding: 3rem; /* 48px */
px-12 padding-left: 3rem; /* 48px */ padding-right: 3rem; /* 48px */
py-12 padding-top: 3rem; /* 48px */ padding-bottom: 3rem; /* 48px */
pt-12 padding-top: 3rem; /* 48px */
pr-12 padding-right: 3rem; /* 48px */
pb-12 padding-bottom: 3rem; /* 48px */
pl-12 padding-left: 3rem; /* 48px */
p-14 padding: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
px-14 padding-left: 3.5rem; /* 56px */ padding-right: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
py-14 padding-top: 3.5rem; /* 56px */ padding-bottom: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
pt-14 padding-top: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
pr-14 padding-right: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
pb-14 padding-bottom: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
pl-14 padding-left: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
p-16 padding: 4rem; /* 64px */
px-16 padding-left: 4rem; /* 64px */ padding-right: 4rem; /* 64px */
py-16 padding-top: 4rem; /* 64px */ padding-bottom: 4rem; /* 64px */
pt-16 padding-top: 4rem; /* 64px */
pr-16 padding-right: 4rem; /* 64px */
pb-16 padding-bottom: 4rem; /* 64px */
pl-16 padding-left: 4rem; /* 64px */
p-20 padding: 5rem; /* 80px */
px-20 padding-left: 5rem; /* 80px */ padding-right: 5rem; /* 80px */
py-20 padding-top: 5rem; /* 80px */ padding-bottom: 5rem; /* 80px */
pt-20 padding-top: 5rem; /* 80px */
pr-20 padding-right: 5rem; /* 80px */
pb-20 padding-bottom: 5rem; /* 80px */
pl-20 padding-left: 5rem; /* 80px */
p-24 padding: 6rem; /* 96px */
px-24 padding-left: 6rem; /* 96px */ padding-right: 6rem; /* 96px */
py-24 padding-top: 6rem; /* 96px */ padding-bottom: 6rem; /* 96px */
pt-24 padding-top: 6rem; /* 96px */
pr-24 padding-right: 6rem; /* 96px */
pb-24 padding-bottom: 6rem; /* 96px */
pl-24 padding-left: 6rem; /* 96px */
p-28 padding: 7rem; /* 112px */
px-28 padding-left: 7rem; /* 112px */ padding-right: 7rem; /* 112px */
py-28 padding-top: 7rem; /* 112px */ padding-bottom: 7rem; /* 112px */
pt-28 padding-top: 7rem; /* 112px */
pr-28 padding-right: 7rem; /* 112px */
pb-28 padding-bottom: 7rem; /* 112px */
pl-28 padding-left: 7rem; /* 112px */
p-32 padding: 8rem; /* 128px */
px-32 padding-left: 8rem; /* 128px */ padding-right: 8rem; /* 128px */
py-32 padding-top: 8rem; /* 128px */ padding-bottom: 8rem; /* 128px */
pt-32 padding-top: 8rem; /* 128px */
pr-32 padding-right: 8rem; /* 128px */
pb-32 padding-bottom: 8rem; /* 128px */
pl-32 padding-left: 8rem; /* 128px */
p-36 padding: 9rem; /* 144px */
px-36 padding-left: 9rem; /* 144px */ padding-right: 9rem; /* 144px */
py-36 padding-top: 9rem; /* 144px */ padding-bottom: 9rem; /* 144px */
pt-36 padding-top: 9rem; /* 144px */
pr-36 padding-right: 9rem; /* 144px */
pb-36 padding-bottom: 9rem; /* 144px */
pl-36 padding-left: 9rem; /* 144px */
p-40 padding: 10rem; /* 160px */
px-40 padding-left: 10rem; /* 160px */ padding-right: 10rem; /* 160px */
py-40 padding-top: 10rem; /* 160px */ padding-bottom: 10rem; /* 160px */
pt-40 padding-top: 10rem; /* 160px */
pr-40 padding-right: 10rem; /* 160px */
pb-40 padding-bottom: 10rem; /* 160px */
pl-40 padding-left: 10rem; /* 160px */
p-44 padding: 11rem; /* 176px */
px-44 padding-left: 11rem; /* 176px */ padding-right: 11rem; /* 176px */
py-44 padding-top: 11rem; /* 176px */ padding-bottom: 11rem; /* 176px */
pt-44 padding-top: 11rem; /* 176px */
pr-44 padding-right: 11rem; /* 176px */
pb-44 padding-bottom: 11rem; /* 176px */
pl-44 padding-left: 11rem; /* 176px */
p-48 padding: 12rem; /* 192px */
px-48 padding-left: 12rem; /* 192px */ padding-right: 12rem; /* 192px */
py-48 padding-top: 12rem; /* 192px */ padding-bottom: 12rem; /* 192px */
pt-48 padding-top: 12rem; /* 192px */
pr-48 padding-right: 12rem; /* 192px */
pb-48 padding-bottom: 12rem; /* 192px */
pl-48 padding-left: 12rem; /* 192px */
p-52 padding: 13rem; /* 208px */
px-52 padding-left: 13rem; /* 208px */ padding-right: 13rem; /* 208px */
py-52 padding-top: 13rem; /* 208px */ padding-bottom: 13rem; /* 208px */
pt-52 padding-top: 13rem; /* 208px */
pr-52 padding-right: 13rem; /* 208px */
pb-52 padding-bottom: 13rem; /* 208px */
pl-52 padding-left: 13rem; /* 208px */
p-56 padding: 14rem; /* 224px */
px-56 padding-left: 14rem; /* 224px */ padding-right: 14rem; /* 224px */
py-56 padding-top: 14rem; /* 224px */ padding-bottom: 14rem; /* 224px */
pt-56 padding-top: 14rem; /* 224px */
pr-56 padding-right: 14rem; /* 224px */
pb-56 padding-bottom: 14rem; /* 224px */
pl-56 padding-left: 14rem; /* 224px */
p-60 padding: 15rem; /* 240px */
px-60 padding-left: 15rem; /* 240px */ padding-right: 15rem; /* 240px */
py-60 padding-top: 15rem; /* 240px */ padding-bottom: 15rem; /* 240px */
pt-60 padding-top: 15rem; /* 240px */
pr-60 padding-right: 15rem; /* 240px */
pb-60 padding-bottom: 15rem; /* 240px */
pl-60 padding-left: 15rem; /* 240px */
p-64 padding: 16rem; /* 256px */
px-64 padding-left: 16rem; /* 256px */ padding-right: 16rem; /* 256px */
py-64 padding-top: 16rem; /* 256px */ padding-bottom: 16rem; /* 256px */
pt-64 padding-top: 16rem; /* 256px */
pr-64 padding-right: 16rem; /* 256px */
pb-64 padding-bottom: 16rem; /* 256px */
pl-64 padding-left: 16rem; /* 256px */
p-72 padding: 18rem; /* 288px */
px-72 padding-left: 18rem; /* 288px */ padding-right: 18rem; /* 288px */
py-72 padding-top: 18rem; /* 288px */ padding-bottom: 18rem; /* 288px */
pt-72 padding-top: 18rem; /* 288px */
pr-72 padding-right: 18rem; /* 288px */
pb-72 padding-bottom: 18rem; /* 288px */
pl-72 padding-left: 18rem; /* 288px */
p-80 padding: 20rem; /* 320px */
px-80 padding-left: 20rem; /* 320px */ padding-right: 20rem; /* 320px */
py-80 padding-top: 20rem; /* 320px */ padding-bottom: 20rem; /* 320px */
pt-80 padding-top: 20rem; /* 320px */
pr-80 padding-right: 20rem; /* 320px */
pb-80 padding-bottom: 20rem; /* 320px */
pl-80 padding-left: 20rem; /* 320px */
p-96 padding: 24rem; /* 384px */
px-96 padding-left: 24rem; /* 384px */ padding-right: 24rem; /* 384px */
py-96 padding-top: 24rem; /* 384px */ padding-bottom: 24rem; /* 384px */
pt-96 padding-top: 24rem; /* 384px */
pr-96 padding-right: 24rem; /* 384px */
pb-96 padding-bottom: 24rem; /* 384px */
pl-96 padding-left: 24rem; /* 384px */

Space Between


Class name Properties
space-x-0 > * + * margin-left: 0px;
space-y-0 > * + * margin-top: 0px;
space-x-0.5 > * + * margin-left: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
space-y-0.5 > * + * margin-top: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
space-x-1 > * + * margin-left: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
space-y-1 > * + * margin-top: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
space-x-1.5 > * + * margin-left: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
space-y-1.5 > * + * margin-top: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
space-x-2 > * + * margin-left: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
space-y-2 > * + * margin-top: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
space-x-2.5 > * + * margin-left: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
space-y-2.5 > * + * margin-top: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
space-x-3 > * + * margin-left: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
space-y-3 > * + * margin-top: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
space-x-3.5 > * + * margin-left: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
space-y-3.5 > * + * margin-top: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
space-x-4 > * + * margin-left: 1rem; /* 16px */
space-y-4 > * + * margin-top: 1rem; /* 16px */
space-x-5 > * + * margin-left: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
space-y-5 > * + * margin-top: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
space-x-6 > * + * margin-left: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
space-y-6 > * + * margin-top: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
space-x-7 > * + * margin-left: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
space-y-7 > * + * margin-top: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
space-x-8 > * + * margin-left: 2rem; /* 32px */
space-y-8 > * + * margin-top: 2rem; /* 32px */
space-x-9 > * + * margin-left: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
space-y-9 > * + * margin-top: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
space-x-10 > * + * margin-left: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
space-y-10 > * + * margin-top: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
space-x-11 > * + * margin-left: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
space-y-11 > * + * margin-top: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
space-x-12 > * + * margin-left: 3rem; /* 48px */
space-y-12 > * + * margin-top: 3rem; /* 48px */
space-x-14 > * + * margin-left: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
space-y-14 > * + * margin-top: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
space-x-16 > * + * margin-left: 4rem; /* 64px */
space-y-16 > * + * margin-top: 4rem; /* 64px */
space-x-20 > * + * margin-left: 5rem; /* 80px */
space-y-20 > * + * margin-top: 5rem; /* 80px */
space-x-24 > * + * margin-left: 6rem; /* 96px */
space-y-24 > * + * margin-top: 6rem; /* 96px */
space-x-28 > * + * margin-left: 7rem; /* 112px */
space-y-28 > * + * margin-top: 7rem; /* 112px */
space-x-32 > * + * margin-left: 8rem; /* 128px */
space-y-32 > * + * margin-top: 8rem; /* 128px */
space-x-36 > * + * margin-left: 9rem; /* 144px */
space-y-36 > * + * margin-top: 9rem; /* 144px */
space-x-40 > * + * margin-left: 10rem; /* 160px */
space-y-40 > * + * margin-top: 10rem; /* 160px */
space-x-44 > * + * margin-left: 11rem; /* 176px */
space-y-44 > * + * margin-top: 11rem; /* 176px */
space-x-48 > * + * margin-left: 12rem; /* 192px */
space-y-48 > * + * margin-top: 12rem; /* 192px */
space-x-52 > * + * margin-left: 13rem; /* 208px */
space-y-52 > * + * margin-top: 13rem; /* 208px */
space-x-56 > * + * margin-left: 14rem; /* 224px */
space-y-56 > * + * margin-top: 14rem; /* 224px */
space-x-60 > * + * margin-left: 15rem; /* 240px */
space-y-60 > * + * margin-top: 15rem; /* 240px */
space-x-64 > * + * margin-left: 16rem; /* 256px */
space-y-64 > * + * margin-top: 16rem; /* 256px */
space-x-72 > * + * margin-left: 18rem; /* 288px */
space-y-72 > * + * margin-top: 18rem; /* 288px */
space-x-80 > * + * margin-left: 20rem; /* 320px */
space-y-80 > * + * margin-top: 20rem; /* 320px */
space-x-96 > * + * margin-left: 24rem; /* 384px */
space-y-96 > * + * margin-top: 24rem; /* 384px */
space-x-px > * + * margin-left: 1px;
space-y-px > * + * margin-top: 1px;
space-y-reverse > * + * –tw-space-y-reverse: 1;
space-x-reverse > * + * –tw-space-x-reverse: 1;




Class name Properties
w-0 width: 0px;
w-px width: 1px;
w-0.5 width: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
w-1 width: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
w-1.5 width: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
w-2 width: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
w-2.5 width: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
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Min Width


Class name Properties
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Max Width


Class name Properties
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Class name Properties
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Min Height


Class name Properties
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Max Height


Class name Properties
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Font size


Class name Properties
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Font Weight


Class name Properties
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font-black font-weight: 900;

Font Family


Class name Properties
font-sans font-family: ui-sans-serif, system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, “Segoe UI”, Roboto, “Helvetica Neue”, Arial, “Noto Sans”, sans-serif, “Apple Color Emoji”, “Segoe UI Emoji”, “Segoe UI Symbol”, “Noto Color Emoji”;
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Font Smoothing


Class name Properties
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Font Style


Class name Properties
italic font-style: italic;
not-italic font-style: normal;

Font Variant Numeric


Class name Properties
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ordinal font-variant-numeric: ordinal;
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Line Height


Class name Properties
leading-3 line-height: .75rem; /* 12px */
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leading-6 line-height: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
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List Style Type


Class name Properties
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List Style Position


Class name Properties
list-inside list-style-position: inside;
list-outside list-style-position: outside;

Letter Spacing


Class name Properties
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Text Color


Name Properties Color
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text-rose-900color: rgb(136 19 55);Aa

Text Align


Class name Properties
text-left text-align: left;
text-center text-align: center;
text-right text-align: right;
text-justify text-align: justify;
text-start text-align: start;
text-end text-align: end;

Text Decoration


Class name Properties
underline text-decoration-line: underline;
overline text-decoration-line: overline;
line-through text-decoration-line: line-through;
no-underline text-decoration-line: none;

Text Decoration Color


Name Properties Color
decoration-inherit text-decoration-color: inherit; Link Text
decoration-current text-decoration-color: currentColor; Link Text
decoration-transparent text-decoration-color: transparent; Link Text
decoration-black text-decoration-color: #000; Link Text
decoration-white text-decoration-color: #fff; Link Text
decoration-slate-50 text-decoration-color: #f8fafc; Link Text
decoration-slate-100 text-decoration-color: #f1f5f9; Link Text
decoration-slate-200 text-decoration-color: #e2e8f0; Link Text
decoration-slate-300 text-decoration-color: #cbd5e1; Link Text
decoration-slate-400 text-decoration-color: #94a3b8; Link Text
decoration-slate-500 text-decoration-color: #64748b; Link Text
decoration-slate-600 text-decoration-color: #475569; Link Text
decoration-slate-700 text-decoration-color: #334155; Link Text
decoration-slate-800 text-decoration-color: #1e293b; Link Text
decoration-slate-900 text-decoration-color: #0f172a; Link Text
decoration-gray-50 text-decoration-color: #f9fafb; Link Text
decoration-gray-100 text-decoration-color: #f3f4f6; Link Text
decoration-gray-200 text-decoration-color: #e5e7eb; Link Text
decoration-gray-300 text-decoration-color: #d1d5db; Link Text
decoration-gray-400 text-decoration-color: #9ca3af; Link Text
decoration-gray-500 text-decoration-color: #6b7280; Link Text
decoration-gray-600 text-decoration-color: #4b5563; Link Text
decoration-gray-700 text-decoration-color: #374151; Link Text
decoration-gray-800 text-decoration-color: #1f2937; Link Text
decoration-gray-900 text-decoration-color: #111827; Link Text
decoration-zinc-50 text-decoration-color: #fafafa; Link Text
decoration-zinc-100 text-decoration-color: #f4f4f5; Link Text
decoration-zinc-200 text-decoration-color: #e4e4e7; Link Text
decoration-zinc-300 text-decoration-color: #d4d4d8; Link Text
decoration-zinc-400 text-decoration-color: #a1a1aa; Link Text
decoration-zinc-500 text-decoration-color: #71717a; Link Text
decoration-zinc-600 text-decoration-color: #52525b; Link Text
decoration-zinc-700 text-decoration-color: #3f3f46; Link Text
decoration-zinc-800 text-decoration-color: #27272a; Link Text
decoration-zinc-900 text-decoration-color: #18181b; Link Text
decoration-neutral-50 text-decoration-color: #fafafa; Link Text
decoration-neutral-100 text-decoration-color: #f5f5f5; Link Text
decoration-neutral-200 text-decoration-color: #e5e5e5; Link Text
decoration-neutral-300 text-decoration-color: #d4d4d4; Link Text
decoration-neutral-400 text-decoration-color: #a3a3a3; Link Text
decoration-neutral-500 text-decoration-color: #737373; Link Text
decoration-neutral-600 text-decoration-color: #525252; Link Text
decoration-neutral-700 text-decoration-color: #404040; Link Text
decoration-neutral-800 text-decoration-color: #262626; Link Text
decoration-neutral-900 text-decoration-color: #171717; Link Text
decoration-stone-50 text-decoration-color: #fafaf9; Link Text
decoration-stone-100 text-decoration-color: #f5f5f4; Link Text
decoration-stone-200 text-decoration-color: #e7e5e4; Link Text
decoration-stone-300 text-decoration-color: #d6d3d1; Link Text
decoration-stone-400 text-decoration-color: #a8a29e; Link Text
decoration-stone-500 text-decoration-color: #78716c; Link Text
decoration-stone-600 text-decoration-color: #57534e; Link Text
decoration-stone-700 text-decoration-color: #44403c; Link Text
decoration-stone-800 text-decoration-color: #292524; Link Text
decoration-stone-900 text-decoration-color: #1c1917; Link Text
decoration-red-50 text-decoration-color: #fef2f2; Link Text
decoration-red-100 text-decoration-color: #fee2e2; Link Text
decoration-red-200 text-decoration-color: #fecaca; Link Text
decoration-red-300 text-decoration-color: #fca5a5; Link Text
decoration-red-400 text-decoration-color: #f87171; Link Text
decoration-red-500 text-decoration-color: #ef4444; Link Text
decoration-red-600 text-decoration-color: #dc2626; Link Text
decoration-red-700 text-decoration-color: #b91c1c; Link Text
decoration-red-800 text-decoration-color: #991b1b; Link Text
decoration-red-900 text-decoration-color: #7f1d1d; Link Text
decoration-orange-50 text-decoration-color: #fff7ed; Link Text
decoration-orange-100 text-decoration-color: #ffedd5; Link Text
decoration-orange-200 text-decoration-color: #fed7aa; Link Text
decoration-orange-300 text-decoration-color: #fdba74; Link Text
decoration-orange-400 text-decoration-color: #fb923c; Link Text
decoration-orange-500 text-decoration-color: #f97316; Link Text
decoration-orange-600 text-decoration-color: #ea580c; Link Text
decoration-orange-700 text-decoration-color: #c2410c; Link Text
decoration-orange-800 text-decoration-color: #9a3412; Link Text
decoration-orange-900 text-decoration-color: #7c2d12; Link Text
decoration-amber-50 text-decoration-color: #fffbeb; Link Text
decoration-amber-100 text-decoration-color: #fef3c7; Link Text
decoration-amber-200 text-decoration-color: #fde68a; Link Text
decoration-amber-300 text-decoration-color: #fcd34d; Link Text
decoration-amber-400 text-decoration-color: #fbbf24; Link Text
decoration-amber-500 text-decoration-color: #f59e0b; Link Text
decoration-amber-600 text-decoration-color: #d97706; Link Text
decoration-amber-700 text-decoration-color: #b45309; Link Text
decoration-amber-800 text-decoration-color: #92400e; Link Text
decoration-amber-900 text-decoration-color: #78350f; Link Text
decoration-yellow-50 text-decoration-color: #fefce8; Link Text
decoration-yellow-100 text-decoration-color: #fef9c3; Link Text
decoration-yellow-200 text-decoration-color: #fef08a; Link Text
decoration-yellow-300 text-decoration-color: #fde047; Link Text
decoration-yellow-400 text-decoration-color: #facc15; Link Text
decoration-yellow-500 text-decoration-color: #eab308; Link Text
decoration-yellow-600 text-decoration-color: #ca8a04; Link Text
decoration-yellow-700 text-decoration-color: #a16207; Link Text
decoration-yellow-800 text-decoration-color: #854d0e; Link Text
decoration-yellow-900 text-decoration-color: #713f12; Link Text
decoration-lime-50 text-decoration-color: #f7fee7; Link Text
decoration-lime-100 text-decoration-color: #ecfccb; Link Text
decoration-lime-200 text-decoration-color: #d9f99d; Link Text
decoration-lime-300 text-decoration-color: #bef264; Link Text
decoration-lime-400 text-decoration-color: #a3e635; Link Text
decoration-lime-500 text-decoration-color: #84cc16; Link Text
decoration-lime-600 text-decoration-color: #65a30d; Link Text
decoration-lime-700 text-decoration-color: #4d7c0f; Link Text
decoration-lime-800 text-decoration-color: #3f6212; Link Text
decoration-lime-900 text-decoration-color: #365314; Link Text
decoration-green-50 text-decoration-color: #f0fdf4; Link Text
decoration-green-100 text-decoration-color: #dcfce7; Link Text
decoration-green-200 text-decoration-color: #bbf7d0; Link Text
decoration-green-300 text-decoration-color: #86efac; Link Text
decoration-green-400 text-decoration-color: #4ade80; Link Text
decoration-green-500 text-decoration-color: #22c55e; Link Text
decoration-green-600 text-decoration-color: #16a34a; Link Text
decoration-green-700 text-decoration-color: #15803d; Link Text
decoration-green-800 text-decoration-color: #166534; Link Text
decoration-green-900 text-decoration-color: #14532d; Link Text
decoration-emerald-50 text-decoration-color: #ecfdf5; Link Text
decoration-emerald-100 text-decoration-color: #d1fae5; Link Text
decoration-emerald-200 text-decoration-color: #a7f3d0; Link Text
decoration-emerald-300 text-decoration-color: #6ee7b7; Link Text
decoration-emerald-400 text-decoration-color: #34d399; Link Text
decoration-emerald-500 text-decoration-color: #10b981; Link Text
decoration-emerald-600 text-decoration-color: #059669; Link Text
decoration-emerald-700 text-decoration-color: #047857; Link Text
decoration-emerald-800 text-decoration-color: #065f46; Link Text
decoration-emerald-900 text-decoration-color: #064e3b; Link Text
decoration-teal-50 text-decoration-color: #f0fdfa; Link Text
decoration-teal-100 text-decoration-color: #ccfbf1; Link Text
decoration-teal-200 text-decoration-color: #99f6e4; Link Text
decoration-teal-300 text-decoration-color: #5eead4; Link Text
decoration-teal-400 text-decoration-color: #2dd4bf; Link Text
decoration-teal-500 text-decoration-color: #14b8a6; Link Text
decoration-teal-600 text-decoration-color: #0d9488; Link Text
decoration-teal-700 text-decoration-color: #0f766e; Link Text
decoration-teal-800 text-decoration-color: #115e59; Link Text
decoration-teal-900 text-decoration-color: #134e4a; Link Text
decoration-cyan-50 text-decoration-color: #ecfeff; Link Text
decoration-cyan-100 text-decoration-color: #cffafe; Link Text
decoration-cyan-200 text-decoration-color: #a5f3fc; Link Text
decoration-cyan-300 text-decoration-color: #67e8f9; Link Text
decoration-cyan-400 text-decoration-color: #22d3ee; Link Text
decoration-cyan-500 text-decoration-color: #06b6d4; Link Text
decoration-cyan-600 text-decoration-color: #0891b2; Link Text
decoration-cyan-700 text-decoration-color: #0e7490; Link Text
decoration-cyan-800 text-decoration-color: #155e75; Link Text
decoration-cyan-900 text-decoration-color: #164e63; Link Text
decoration-sky-50 text-decoration-color: #f0f9ff; Link Text
decoration-sky-100 text-decoration-color: #e0f2fe; Link Text
decoration-sky-200 text-decoration-color: #bae6fd; Link Text
decoration-sky-300 text-decoration-color: #7dd3fc; Link Text
decoration-sky-400 text-decoration-color: #38bdf8; Link Text
decoration-sky-500 text-decoration-color: #0ea5e9; Link Text
decoration-sky-600 text-decoration-color: #0284c7; Link Text
decoration-sky-700 text-decoration-color: #0369a1; Link Text
decoration-sky-800 text-decoration-color: #075985; Link Text
decoration-sky-900 text-decoration-color: #0c4a6e; Link Text
decoration-blue-50 text-decoration-color: #eff6ff; Link Text
decoration-blue-100 text-decoration-color: #dbeafe; Link Text
decoration-blue-200 text-decoration-color: #bfdbfe; Link Text
decoration-blue-300 text-decoration-color: #93c5fd; Link Text
decoration-blue-400 text-decoration-color: #60a5fa; Link Text
decoration-blue-500 text-decoration-color: #3b82f6; Link Text
decoration-blue-600 text-decoration-color: #2563eb; Link Text
decoration-blue-700 text-decoration-color: #1d4ed8; Link Text
decoration-blue-800 text-decoration-color: #1e40af; Link Text
decoration-blue-900 text-decoration-color: #1e3a8a; Link Text
decoration-indigo-50 text-decoration-color: #eef2ff; Link Text
decoration-indigo-100 text-decoration-color: #e0e7ff; Link Text
decoration-indigo-200 text-decoration-color: #c7d2fe; Link Text
decoration-indigo-300 text-decoration-color: #a5b4fc; Link Text
decoration-indigo-400 text-decoration-color: #818cf8; Link Text
decoration-indigo-500 text-decoration-color: #6366f1; Link Text
decoration-indigo-600 text-decoration-color: #4f46e5; Link Text
decoration-indigo-700 text-decoration-color: #4338ca; Link Text
decoration-indigo-800 text-decoration-color: #3730a3; Link Text
decoration-indigo-900 text-decoration-color: #312e81; Link Text
decoration-violet-50 text-decoration-color: #f5f3ff; Link Text
decoration-violet-100 text-decoration-color: #ede9fe; Link Text
decoration-violet-200 text-decoration-color: #ddd6fe; Link Text
decoration-violet-300 text-decoration-color: #c4b5fd; Link Text
decoration-violet-400 text-decoration-color: #a78bfa; Link Text
decoration-violet-500 text-decoration-color: #8b5cf6; Link Text
decoration-violet-600 text-decoration-color: #7c3aed; Link Text
decoration-violet-700 text-decoration-color: #6d28d9; Link Text
decoration-violet-800 text-decoration-color: #5b21b6; Link Text
decoration-violet-900 text-decoration-color: #4c1d95; Link Text
decoration-purple-50 text-decoration-color: #faf5ff; Link Text
decoration-purple-100 text-decoration-color: #f3e8ff; Link Text
decoration-purple-200 text-decoration-color: #e9d5ff; Link Text
decoration-purple-300 text-decoration-color: #d8b4fe; Link Text
decoration-purple-400 text-decoration-color: #c084fc; Link Text
decoration-purple-500 text-decoration-color: #a855f7; Link Text
decoration-purple-600 text-decoration-color: #9333ea; Link Text
decoration-purple-700 text-decoration-color: #7e22ce; Link Text
decoration-purple-800 text-decoration-color: #6b21a8; Link Text
decoration-purple-900 text-decoration-color: #581c87; Link Text
decoration-fuchsia-50 text-decoration-color: #fdf4ff; Link Text
decoration-fuchsia-100 text-decoration-color: #fae8ff; Link Text
decoration-fuchsia-200 text-decoration-color: #f5d0fe; Link Text
decoration-fuchsia-300 text-decoration-color: #f0abfc; Link Text
decoration-fuchsia-400 text-decoration-color: #e879f9; Link Text
decoration-fuchsia-500 text-decoration-color: #d946ef; Link Text
decoration-fuchsia-600 text-decoration-color: #c026d3; Link Text
decoration-fuchsia-700 text-decoration-color: #a21caf; Link Text
decoration-fuchsia-800 text-decoration-color: #86198f; Link Text
decoration-fuchsia-900 text-decoration-color: #701a75; Link Text
decoration-pink-50 text-decoration-color: #fdf2f8; Link Text
decoration-pink-100 text-decoration-color: #fce7f3; Link Text
decoration-pink-200 text-decoration-color: #fbcfe8; Link Text
decoration-pink-300 text-decoration-color: #f9a8d4; Link Text
decoration-pink-400 text-decoration-color: #f472b6; Link Text
decoration-pink-500 text-decoration-color: #ec4899; Link Text
decoration-pink-600 text-decoration-color: #db2777; Link Text
decoration-pink-700 text-decoration-color: #be185d; Link Text
decoration-pink-800 text-decoration-color: #9d174d; Link Text
decoration-pink-900 text-decoration-color: #831843; Link Text
decoration-rose-50 text-decoration-color: #fff1f2; Link Text
decoration-rose-100 text-decoration-color: #ffe4e6; Link Text
decoration-rose-200 text-decoration-color: #fecdd3; Link Text
decoration-rose-300 text-decoration-color: #fda4af; Link Text
decoration-rose-400 text-decoration-color: #fb7185; Link Text
decoration-rose-500 text-decoration-color: #f43f5e; Link Text
decoration-rose-600 text-decoration-color: #e11d48; Link Text
decoration-rose-700 text-decoration-color: #be123c; Link Text
decoration-rose-800 text-decoration-color: #9f1239; Link Text
decoration-rose-900 text-decoration-color: #881337; Link Text

Text Decoration Style


Class name Properties
decoration-solid text-decoration-style: solid;
decoration-double text-decoration-style: double;
decoration-dotted text-decoration-style: dotted;
decoration-dashed text-decoration-style: dashed;
decoration-wavy text-decoration-style: wavy;

Text Decoration Thickness


Class name Properties
decoration-auto text-decoration-thickness: auto;
decoration-from-font text-decoration-thickness: from-font;
decoration-0 text-decoration-thickness: 0px;
decoration-1 text-decoration-thickness: 1px;
decoration-2 text-decoration-thickness: 2px;
decoration-4 text-decoration-thickness: 4px;
decoration-8 text-decoration-thickness: 8px;

Text Underline Offset


Class name Properties
underline-offset-auto text-underline-offset: auto;
underline-offset-0 text-underline-offset: 0px;
underline-offset-1 text-underline-offset: 1px;
underline-offset-2 text-underline-offset: 2px;
underline-offset-4 text-underline-offset: 4px;
underline-offset-8 text-underline-offset: 8px;

Text Transform


Class name Properties
uppercase text-transform: uppercase;
lowercase text-transform: lowercase;
capitalize text-transform: capitalize;
normal-case text-transform: none;

Text Overflow


Class name Properties
truncate overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;
text-ellipsis text-overflow: ellipsis;
text-clip text-overflow: clip;

Text Indent


Class name Properties
indent-0 text-indent: 0px;
indent-px text-indent: 1px;
indent-0.5 text-indent: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
indent-1 text-indent: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
indent-1.5 text-indent: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
indent-2 text-indent: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
indent-2.5 text-indent: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
indent-3 text-indent: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
indent-3.5 text-indent: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
indent-4 text-indent: 1rem; /* 16px */
indent-5 text-indent: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
indent-6 text-indent: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
indent-7 text-indent: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
indent-8 text-indent: 2rem; /* 32px */
indent-9 text-indent: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
indent-10 text-indent: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
indent-11 text-indent: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
indent-12 text-indent: 3rem; /* 48px */
indent-14 text-indent: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
indent-16 text-indent: 4rem; /* 64px */
indent-20 text-indent: 5rem; /* 80px */
indent-24 text-indent: 6rem; /* 96px */
indent-28 text-indent: 7rem; /* 112px */
indent-32 text-indent: 8rem; /* 128px */
indent-36 text-indent: 9rem; /* 144px */
indent-40 text-indent: 10rem; /* 160px */
indent-44 text-indent: 11rem; /* 176px */
indent-48 text-indent: 12rem; /* 192px */
indent-52 text-indent: 13rem; /* 208px */
indent-56 text-indent: 14rem; /* 224px */
indent-60 text-indent: 15rem; /* 240px */
indent-64 text-indent: 16rem; /* 256px */
indent-72 text-indent: 18rem; /* 288px */
indent-80 text-indent: 20rem; /* 320px */
indent-96 text-indent: 24rem; /* 384px */

Vertical Align


Class name Properties
align-baseline vertical-align: baseline;
align-top vertical-align: top;
align-middle vertical-align: middle;
align-bottom vertical-align: bottom;
align-text-top vertical-align: text-top;
align-text-bottom vertical-align: text-bottom;
align-sub vertical-align: sub;
align-super vertical-align: super;



Class name Properties
whitespace-normal white-space: normal;
whitespace-nowrap white-space: nowrap;
whitespace-pre white-space: pre;
whitespace-pre-line white-space: pre-line;
whitespace-pre-wrap white-space: pre-wrap;

Word Break


Class name Properties
break-normal overflow-wrap: normal; word-break: normal;
break-words overflow-wrap: break-word;
break-all word-break: break-all;
break-keep word-break: keep-all;



Class name Properties
content-none content: none;


Border Radius


Class name Properties
rounded-none border-radius: 0px;
rounded-sm border-radius: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
rounded border-radius: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
rounded-md border-radius: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
rounded-lg border-radius: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
rounded-xl border-radius: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
rounded-2xl border-radius: 1rem; /* 16px */
rounded-3xl border-radius: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
rounded-full border-radius: 9999px;
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rounded-t-sm border-top-left-radius: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ border-top-right-radius: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
rounded-t border-top-left-radius: 0.25rem; /* 4px */ border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
rounded-t-md border-top-left-radius: 0.375rem; /* 6px */ border-top-right-radius: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
rounded-t-lg border-top-left-radius: 0.5rem; /* 8px */ border-top-right-radius: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
rounded-t-xl border-top-left-radius: 0.75rem; /* 12px */ border-top-right-radius: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
rounded-t-2xl border-top-left-radius: 1rem; /* 16px */ border-top-right-radius: 1rem; /* 16px */
rounded-t-3xl border-top-left-radius: 1.5rem; /* 24px */ border-top-right-radius: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
rounded-t-full border-top-left-radius: 9999px; border-top-right-radius: 9999px;
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rounded-r border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem; /* 4px */ border-bottom-right-radius: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
rounded-r-md border-top-right-radius: 0.375rem; /* 6px */ border-bottom-right-radius: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
rounded-r-lg border-top-right-radius: 0.5rem; /* 8px */ border-bottom-right-radius: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
rounded-r-xl border-top-right-radius: 0.75rem; /* 12px */ border-bottom-right-radius: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
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rounded-r-3xl border-top-right-radius: 1.5rem; /* 24px */ border-bottom-right-radius: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
rounded-r-full border-top-right-radius: 9999px; border-bottom-right-radius: 9999px;
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rounded-b border-bottom-right-radius: 0.25rem; /* 4px */ border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
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rounded-b-lg border-bottom-right-radius: 0.5rem; /* 8px */ border-bottom-left-radius: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
rounded-b-xl border-bottom-right-radius: 0.75rem; /* 12px */ border-bottom-left-radius: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
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rounded-l border-top-left-radius: 0.25rem; /* 4px */ border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
rounded-l-md border-top-left-radius: 0.375rem; /* 6px */ border-bottom-left-radius: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
rounded-l-lg border-top-left-radius: 0.5rem; /* 8px */ border-bottom-left-radius: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
rounded-l-xl border-top-left-radius: 0.75rem; /* 12px */ border-bottom-left-radius: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
rounded-l-2xl border-top-left-radius: 1rem; /* 16px */ border-bottom-left-radius: 1rem; /* 16px */
rounded-l-3xl border-top-left-radius: 1.5rem; /* 24px */ border-bottom-left-radius: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
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rounded-tl-lg border-top-left-radius: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
rounded-tl-xl border-top-left-radius: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
rounded-tl-2xl border-top-left-radius: 1rem; /* 16px */
rounded-tl-3xl border-top-left-radius: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
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rounded-tr-lg border-top-right-radius: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
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rounded-tr-2xl border-top-right-radius: 1rem; /* 16px */
rounded-tr-3xl border-top-right-radius: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
rounded-tr-full border-top-right-radius: 9999px;
rounded-br-none border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;
rounded-br-sm border-bottom-right-radius: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
rounded-br border-bottom-right-radius: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
rounded-br-md border-bottom-right-radius: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
rounded-br-lg border-bottom-right-radius: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
rounded-br-xl border-bottom-right-radius: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
rounded-br-2xl border-bottom-right-radius: 1rem; /* 16px */
rounded-br-3xl border-bottom-right-radius: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
rounded-br-full border-bottom-right-radius: 9999px;
rounded-bl-none border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;
rounded-bl-sm border-bottom-left-radius: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
rounded-bl border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
rounded-bl-md border-bottom-left-radius: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
rounded-bl-lg border-bottom-left-radius: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
rounded-bl-xl border-bottom-left-radius: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
rounded-bl-2xl border-bottom-left-radius: 1rem; /* 16px */
rounded-bl-3xl border-bottom-left-radius: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
rounded-bl-full border-bottom-left-radius: 9999px;

Border Width


Class name Properties
border-0 border-width: 0px;
border-2 border-width: 2px;
border-4 border-width: 4px;
border-8 border-width: 8px;
border border-width: 1px;
border-x-0 border-left-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px;
border-x-2 border-left-width: 2px; border-right-width: 2px;
border-x-4 border-left-width: 4px; border-right-width: 4px;
border-x-8 border-left-width: 8px; border-right-width: 8px;
border-x border-left-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px;
border-y-0 border-top-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px;
border-y-2 border-top-width: 2px; border-bottom-width: 2px;
border-y-4 border-top-width: 4px; border-bottom-width: 4px;
border-y-8 border-top-width: 8px; border-bottom-width: 8px;
border-y border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px;
border-t-0 border-top-width: 0px;
border-t-2 border-top-width: 2px;
border-t-4 border-top-width: 4px;
border-t-8 border-top-width: 8px;
border-t border-top-width: 1px;
border-r-0 border-right-width: 0px;
border-r-2 border-right-width: 2px;
border-r-4 border-right-width: 4px;
border-r-8 border-right-width: 8px;
border-r border-right-width: 1px;
border-b-0 border-bottom-width: 0px;
border-b-2 border-bottom-width: 2px;
border-b-4 border-bottom-width: 4px;
border-b-8 border-bottom-width: 8px;
border-b border-bottom-width: 1px;
border-l-0 border-left-width: 0px;
border-l-2 border-left-width: 2px;
border-l-4 border-left-width: 4px;
border-l-8 border-left-width: 8px;
border-l border-left-width: 1px;

Border Style


Class name Properties
border-solid border-style: solid;
border-dashed border-style: dashed;
border-dotted border-style: dotted;
border-double border-style: double;
border-hidden border-style: hidden;
border-none border-style: none;

Border Color


Class name Properties
border-inherit border-color: inherit;
border-current border-color: currentColor;
border-transparent border-color: transparent;
border-black border-color: rgb(0 0 0);
border-white border-color: rgb(255 255 255);
border-slate-50 border-color: rgb(248 250 252);
border-slate-100 border-color: rgb(241 245 249);
border-slate-200 border-color: rgb(226 232 240);
border-slate-300 border-color: rgb(203 213 225);
border-slate-400 border-color: rgb(148 163 184);
border-slate-500 border-color: rgb(100 116 139);
border-slate-600 border-color: rgb(71 85 105);
border-slate-700 border-color: rgb(51 65 85);
border-slate-800 border-color: rgb(30 41 59);
border-slate-900 border-color: rgb(15 23 42);
border-gray-50 border-color: rgb(249 250 251);
border-gray-100 border-color: rgb(243 244 246);
border-gray-200 border-color: rgb(229 231 235);
border-gray-300 border-color: rgb(209 213 219);
border-gray-400 border-color: rgb(156 163 175);
border-gray-500 border-color: rgb(107 114 128);
border-gray-600 border-color: rgb(75 85 99);
border-gray-700 border-color: rgb(55 65 81);
border-gray-800 border-color: rgb(31 41 55);
border-gray-900 border-color: rgb(17 24 39);
border-zinc-50 border-color: rgb(250 250 250);
border-zinc-100 border-color: rgb(244 244 245);
border-zinc-200 border-color: rgb(228 228 231);
border-zinc-300 border-color: rgb(212 212 216);
border-zinc-400 border-color: rgb(161 161 170);
border-zinc-500 border-color: rgb(113 113 122);
border-zinc-600 border-color: rgb(82 82 91);
border-zinc-700 border-color: rgb(63 63 70);
border-zinc-800 border-color: rgb(39 39 42);
border-zinc-900 border-color: rgb(24 24 27);
border-neutral-50 border-color: rgb(250 250 250);
border-neutral-100 border-color: rgb(245 245 245);
border-neutral-200 border-color: rgb(229 229 229);
border-neutral-300 border-color: rgb(212 212 212);
border-neutral-400 border-color: rgb(163 163 163);
border-neutral-500 border-color: rgb(115 115 115);
border-neutral-600 border-color: rgb(82 82 82);
border-neutral-700 border-color: rgb(64 64 64);
border-neutral-800 border-color: rgb(38 38 38);
border-neutral-900 border-color: rgb(23 23 23);
border-stone-50 border-color: rgb(250 250 249);
border-stone-100 border-color: rgb(245 245 244);
border-stone-200 border-color: rgb(231 229 228);
border-stone-300 border-color: rgb(214 211 209);
border-stone-400 border-color: rgb(168 162 158);
border-stone-500 border-color: rgb(120 113 108);
border-stone-600 border-color: rgb(87 83 78);
border-stone-700 border-color: rgb(68 64 60);
border-stone-800 border-color: rgb(41 37 36);
border-stone-900 border-color: rgb(28 25 23);
border-red-50 border-color: rgb(254 242 242);
border-red-100 border-color: rgb(254 226 226);
border-red-200 border-color: rgb(254 202 202);
border-red-300 border-color: rgb(252 165 165);
border-red-400 border-color: rgb(248 113 113);
border-red-500 border-color: rgb(239 68 68);
border-red-600 border-color: rgb(220 38 38);
border-red-700 border-color: rgb(185 28 28);
border-red-800 border-color: rgb(153 27 27);
border-red-900 border-color: rgb(127 29 29);
border-orange-50 border-color: rgb(255 247 237);
border-orange-100 border-color: rgb(255 237 213);
border-orange-200 border-color: rgb(254 215 170);
border-orange-300 border-color: rgb(253 186 116);
border-orange-400 border-color: rgb(251 146 60);
border-orange-500 border-color: rgb(249 115 22);
border-orange-600 border-color: rgb(234 88 12);
border-orange-700 border-color: rgb(194 65 12);
border-orange-800 border-color: rgb(154 52 18);
border-orange-900 border-color: rgb(124 45 18);
border-amber-50 border-color: rgb(255 251 235);
border-amber-100 border-color: rgb(254 243 199);
border-amber-200 border-color: rgb(253 230 138);
border-amber-300 border-color: rgb(252 211 77);
border-amber-400 border-color: rgb(251 191 36);
border-amber-500 border-color: rgb(245 158 11);
border-amber-600 border-color: rgb(217 119 6);
border-amber-700 border-color: rgb(180 83 9);
border-amber-800 border-color: rgb(146 64 14);
border-amber-900 border-color: rgb(120 53 15);
border-yellow-50 border-color: rgb(254 252 232);
border-yellow-100 border-color: rgb(254 249 195);
border-yellow-200 border-color: rgb(254 240 138);
border-yellow-300 border-color: rgb(253 224 71);
border-yellow-400 border-color: rgb(250 204 21);
border-yellow-500 border-color: rgb(234 179 8);
border-yellow-600 border-color: rgb(202 138 4);
border-yellow-700 border-color: rgb(161 98 7);
border-yellow-800 border-color: rgb(133 77 14);
border-yellow-900 border-color: rgb(113 63 18);
border-lime-50 border-color: rgb(247 254 231);
border-lime-100 border-color: rgb(236 252 203);
border-lime-200 border-color: rgb(217 249 157);
border-lime-300 border-color: rgb(190 242 100);
border-lime-400 border-color: rgb(163 230 53);
border-lime-500 border-color: rgb(132 204 22);
border-lime-600 border-color: rgb(101 163 13);
border-lime-700 border-color: rgb(77 124 15);
border-lime-800 border-color: rgb(63 98 18);
border-lime-900 border-color: rgb(54 83 20);
border-green-50 border-color: rgb(240 253 244);
border-green-100 border-color: rgb(220 252 231);
border-green-200 border-color: rgb(187 247 208);
border-green-300 border-color: rgb(134 239 172);
border-green-400 border-color: rgb(74 222 128);
border-green-500 border-color: rgb(34 197 94);
border-green-600 border-color: rgb(22 163 74);
border-green-700 border-color: rgb(21 128 61);
border-green-800 border-color: rgb(22 101 52);
border-green-900 border-color: rgb(20 83 45);
border-emerald-50 border-color: rgb(236 253 245);
border-emerald-100 border-color: rgb(209 250 229);
border-emerald-200 border-color: rgb(167 243 208);
border-emerald-300 border-color: rgb(110 231 183);
border-emerald-400 border-color: rgb(52 211 153);
border-emerald-500 border-color: rgb(16 185 129);
border-emerald-600 border-color: rgb(5 150 105);
border-emerald-700 border-color: rgb(4 120 87);
border-emerald-800 border-color: rgb(6 95 70);
border-emerald-900 border-color: rgb(6 78 59);
border-teal-50 border-color: rgb(240 253 250);
border-teal-100 border-color: rgb(204 251 241);
border-teal-200 border-color: rgb(153 246 228);
border-teal-300 border-color: rgb(94 234 212);
border-teal-400 border-color: rgb(45 212 191);
border-teal-500 border-color: rgb(20 184 166);
border-teal-600 border-color: rgb(13 148 136);
border-teal-700 border-color: rgb(15 118 110);
border-teal-800 border-color: rgb(17 94 89);
border-teal-900 border-color: rgb(19 78 74);
border-cyan-50 border-color: rgb(236 254 255);
border-cyan-100 border-color: rgb(207 250 254);
border-cyan-200 border-color: rgb(165 243 252);
border-cyan-300 border-color: rgb(103 232 249);
border-cyan-400 border-color: rgb(34 211 238);
border-cyan-500 border-color: rgb(6 182 212);
border-cyan-600 border-color: rgb(8 145 178);
border-cyan-700 border-color: rgb(14 116 144);
border-cyan-800 border-color: rgb(21 94 117);
border-cyan-900 border-color: rgb(22 78 99);
border-sky-50 border-color: rgb(240 249 255);
border-sky-100 border-color: rgb(224 242 254);
border-sky-200 border-color: rgb(186 230 253);
border-sky-300 border-color: rgb(125 211 252);
border-sky-400 border-color: rgb(56 189 248);
border-sky-500 border-color: rgb(14 165 233);
border-sky-600 border-color: rgb(2 132 199);
border-sky-700 border-color: rgb(3 105 161);
border-sky-800 border-color: rgb(7 89 133);
border-sky-900 border-color: rgb(12 74 110);
border-blue-50 border-color: rgb(239 246 255);
border-blue-100 border-color: rgb(219 234 254);
border-blue-200 border-color: rgb(191 219 254);
border-blue-300 border-color: rgb(147 197 253);
border-blue-400 border-color: rgb(96 165 250);
border-blue-500 border-color: rgb(59 130 246);
border-blue-600 border-color: rgb(37 99 235);
border-blue-700 border-color: rgb(29 78 216);
border-blue-800 border-color: rgb(30 64 175);
border-blue-900 border-color: rgb(30 58 138);
border-indigo-50 border-color: rgb(238 242 255);
border-indigo-100 border-color: rgb(224 231 255);
border-indigo-200 border-color: rgb(199 210 254);
border-indigo-300 border-color: rgb(165 180 252);
border-indigo-400 border-color: rgb(129 140 248);
border-indigo-500 border-color: rgb(99 102 241);
border-indigo-600 border-color: rgb(79 70 229);
border-indigo-700 border-color: rgb(67 56 202);
border-indigo-800 border-color: rgb(55 48 163);
border-indigo-900 border-color: rgb(49 46 129);
border-violet-50 border-color: rgb(245 243 255);
border-violet-100 border-color: rgb(237 233 254);
border-violet-200 border-color: rgb(221 214 254);
border-violet-300 border-color: rgb(196 181 253);
border-violet-400 border-color: rgb(167 139 250);
border-violet-500 border-color: rgb(139 92 246);
border-violet-600 border-color: rgb(124 58 237);
border-violet-700 border-color: rgb(109 40 217);
border-violet-800 border-color: rgb(91 33 182);
border-violet-900 border-color: rgb(76 29 149);
border-purple-50 border-color: rgb(250 245 255);
border-purple-100 border-color: rgb(243 232 255);
border-purple-200 border-color: rgb(233 213 255);
border-purple-300 border-color: rgb(216 180 254);
border-purple-400 border-color: rgb(192 132 252);
border-purple-500 border-color: rgb(168 85 247);
border-purple-600 border-color: rgb(147 51 234);
border-purple-700 border-color: rgb(126 34 206);
border-purple-800 border-color: rgb(107 33 168);
border-purple-900 border-color: rgb(88 28 135);
border-fuchsia-50 border-color: rgb(253 244 255);
border-fuchsia-100 border-color: rgb(250 232 255);
border-fuchsia-200 border-color: rgb(245 208 254);
border-fuchsia-300 border-color: rgb(240 171 252);
border-fuchsia-400 border-color: rgb(232 121 249);
border-fuchsia-500 border-color: rgb(217 70 239);
border-fuchsia-600 border-color: rgb(192 38 211);
border-fuchsia-700 border-color: rgb(162 28 175);
border-fuchsia-800 border-color: rgb(134 25 143);
border-fuchsia-900 border-color: rgb(112 26 117);
border-pink-50 border-color: rgb(253 242 248);
border-pink-100 border-color: rgb(252 231 243);
border-pink-200 border-color: rgb(251 207 232);
border-pink-300 border-color: rgb(249 168 212);
border-pink-400 border-color: rgb(244 114 182);
border-pink-500 border-color: rgb(236 72 153);
border-pink-600 border-color: rgb(219 39 119);
border-pink-700 border-color: rgb(190 24 93);
border-pink-800 border-color: rgb(157 23 77);
border-pink-900 border-color: rgb(131 24 67);
border-rose-50 border-color: rgb(255 241 242);
border-rose-100 border-color: rgb(255 228 230);
border-rose-200 border-color: rgb(254 205 211);
border-rose-300 border-color: rgb(253 164 175);
border-rose-400 border-color: rgb(251 113 133);
border-rose-500 border-color: rgb(244 63 94);
border-rose-600 border-color: rgb(225 29 72);
border-rose-700 border-color: rgb(190 18 60);
border-rose-800 border-color: rgb(159 18 57);
border-rose-900 border-color: rgb(136 19 55);
border-x-inherit border-left-color: inherit; border-right-color: inherit;
border-x-current border-left-color: currentColor; border-right-color: currentColor;
border-x-transparent border-left-color: transparent; border-right-color: transparent;
border-x-black border-left-color: rgb(0 0 0); border-right-color: rgb(0 0 0);
border-x-white border-left-color: rgb(255 255 255); border-right-color: rgb(255 255 255);
border-x-slate-50 border-left-color: rgb(248 250 252); border-right-color: rgb(248 250 252);
border-x-slate-100 border-left-color: rgb(241 245 249); border-right-color: rgb(241 245 249);
border-x-slate-200 border-left-color: rgb(226 232 240); border-right-color: rgb(226 232 240);
border-x-slate-300 border-left-color: rgb(203 213 225); border-right-color: rgb(203 213 225);
border-x-slate-400 border-left-color: rgb(148 163 184); border-right-color: rgb(148 163 184);
border-x-slate-500 border-left-color: rgb(100 116 139); border-right-color: rgb(100 116 139);
border-x-slate-600 border-left-color: rgb(71 85 105); border-right-color: rgb(71 85 105);
border-x-slate-700 border-left-color: rgb(51 65 85); border-right-color: rgb(51 65 85);
border-x-slate-800 border-left-color: rgb(30 41 59); border-right-color: rgb(30 41 59);
border-x-slate-900 border-left-color: rgb(15 23 42); border-right-color: rgb(15 23 42);
border-x-gray-50 border-left-color: rgb(249 250 251); border-right-color: rgb(249 250 251);
border-x-gray-100 border-left-color: rgb(243 244 246); border-right-color: rgb(243 244 246);
border-x-gray-200 border-left-color: rgb(229 231 235); border-right-color: rgb(229 231 235);
border-x-gray-300 border-left-color: rgb(209 213 219); border-right-color: rgb(209 213 219);
border-x-gray-400 border-left-color: rgb(156 163 175); border-right-color: rgb(156 163 175);
border-x-gray-500 border-left-color: rgb(107 114 128); border-right-color: rgb(107 114 128);
border-x-gray-600 border-left-color: rgb(75 85 99); border-right-color: rgb(75 85 99);
border-x-gray-700 border-left-color: rgb(55 65 81); border-right-color: rgb(55 65 81);
border-x-gray-800 border-left-color: rgb(31 41 55); border-right-color: rgb(31 41 55);
border-x-gray-900 border-left-color: rgb(17 24 39); border-right-color: rgb(17 24 39);
border-x-zinc-50 border-left-color: rgb(250 250 250); border-right-color: rgb(250 250 250);
border-x-zinc-100 border-left-color: rgb(244 244 245); border-right-color: rgb(244 244 245);
border-x-zinc-200 border-left-color: rgb(228 228 231); border-right-color: rgb(228 228 231);
border-x-zinc-300 border-left-color: rgb(212 212 216); border-right-color: rgb(212 212 216);
border-x-zinc-400 border-left-color: rgb(161 161 170); border-right-color: rgb(161 161 170);
border-x-zinc-500 border-left-color: rgb(113 113 122); border-right-color: rgb(113 113 122);
border-x-zinc-600 border-left-color: rgb(82 82 91); border-right-color: rgb(82 82 91);
border-x-zinc-700 border-left-color: rgb(63 63 70); border-right-color: rgb(63 63 70);
border-x-zinc-800 border-left-color: rgb(39 39 42); border-right-color: rgb(39 39 42);
border-x-zinc-900 border-left-color: rgb(24 24 27); border-right-color: rgb(24 24 27);
border-x-neutral-50 border-left-color: rgb(250 250 250); border-right-color: rgb(250 250 250);
border-x-neutral-100 border-left-color: rgb(245 245 245); border-right-color: rgb(245 245 245);
border-x-neutral-200 border-left-color: rgb(229 229 229); border-right-color: rgb(229 229 229);
border-x-neutral-300 border-left-color: rgb(212 212 212); border-right-color: rgb(212 212 212);
border-x-neutral-400 border-left-color: rgb(163 163 163); border-right-color: rgb(163 163 163);
border-x-neutral-500 border-left-color: rgb(115 115 115); border-right-color: rgb(115 115 115);
border-x-neutral-600 border-left-color: rgb(82 82 82); border-right-color: rgb(82 82 82);
border-x-neutral-700 border-left-color: rgb(64 64 64); border-right-color: rgb(64 64 64);
border-x-neutral-800 border-left-color: rgb(38 38 38); border-right-color: rgb(38 38 38);
border-x-neutral-900 border-left-color: rgb(23 23 23); border-right-color: rgb(23 23 23);
border-x-stone-50 border-left-color: rgb(250 250 249); border-right-color: rgb(250 250 249);
border-x-stone-100 border-left-color: rgb(245 245 244); border-right-color: rgb(245 245 244);
border-x-stone-200 border-left-color: rgb(231 229 228); border-right-color: rgb(231 229 228);
border-x-stone-300 border-left-color: rgb(214 211 209); border-right-color: rgb(214 211 209);
border-x-stone-400 border-left-color: rgb(168 162 158); border-right-color: rgb(168 162 158);
border-x-stone-500 border-left-color: rgb(120 113 108); border-right-color: rgb(120 113 108);
border-x-stone-600 border-left-color: rgb(87 83 78); border-right-color: rgb(87 83 78);
border-x-stone-700 border-left-color: rgb(68 64 60); border-right-color: rgb(68 64 60);
border-x-stone-800 border-left-color: rgb(41 37 36); border-right-color: rgb(41 37 36);
border-x-stone-900 border-left-color: rgb(28 25 23); border-right-color: rgb(28 25 23);
border-x-red-50 border-left-color: rgb(254 242 242); border-right-color: rgb(254 242 242);
border-x-red-100 border-left-color: rgb(254 226 226); border-right-color: rgb(254 226 226);
border-x-red-200 border-left-color: rgb(254 202 202); border-right-color: rgb(254 202 202);
border-x-red-300 border-left-color: rgb(252 165 165); border-right-color: rgb(252 165 165);
border-x-red-400 border-left-color: rgb(248 113 113); border-right-color: rgb(248 113 113);
border-x-red-500 border-left-color: rgb(239 68 68); border-right-color: rgb(239 68 68);
border-x-red-600 border-left-color: rgb(220 38 38); border-right-color: rgb(220 38 38);
border-x-red-700 border-left-color: rgb(185 28 28); border-right-color: rgb(185 28 28);
border-x-red-800 border-left-color: rgb(153 27 27); border-right-color: rgb(153 27 27);
border-x-red-900 border-left-color: rgb(127 29 29); border-right-color: rgb(127 29 29);
border-x-orange-50 border-left-color: rgb(255 247 237); border-right-color: rgb(255 247 237);
border-x-orange-100 border-left-color: rgb(255 237 213); border-right-color: rgb(255 237 213);
border-x-orange-200 border-left-color: rgb(254 215 170); border-right-color: rgb(254 215 170);
border-x-orange-300 border-left-color: rgb(253 186 116); border-right-color: rgb(253 186 116);
border-x-orange-400 border-left-color: rgb(251 146 60); border-right-color: rgb(251 146 60);
border-x-orange-500 border-left-color: rgb(249 115 22); border-right-color: rgb(249 115 22);
border-x-orange-600 border-left-color: rgb(234 88 12); border-right-color: rgb(234 88 12);
border-x-orange-700 border-left-color: rgb(194 65 12); border-right-color: rgb(194 65 12);
border-x-orange-800 border-left-color: rgb(154 52 18); border-right-color: rgb(154 52 18);
border-x-orange-900 border-left-color: rgb(124 45 18); border-right-color: rgb(124 45 18);
border-x-amber-50 border-left-color: rgb(255 251 235); border-right-color: rgb(255 251 235);
border-x-amber-100 border-left-color: rgb(254 243 199); border-right-color: rgb(254 243 199);
border-x-amber-200 border-left-color: rgb(253 230 138); border-right-color: rgb(253 230 138);
border-x-amber-300 border-left-color: rgb(252 211 77); border-right-color: rgb(252 211 77);
border-x-amber-400 border-left-color: rgb(251 191 36); border-right-color: rgb(251 191 36);
border-x-amber-500 border-left-color: rgb(245 158 11); border-right-color: rgb(245 158 11);
border-x-amber-600 border-left-color: rgb(217 119 6); border-right-color: rgb(217 119 6);
border-x-amber-700 border-left-color: rgb(180 83 9); border-right-color: rgb(180 83 9);
border-x-amber-800 border-left-color: rgb(146 64 14); border-right-color: rgb(146 64 14);
border-x-amber-900 border-left-color: rgb(120 53 15); border-right-color: rgb(120 53 15);
border-x-yellow-50 border-left-color: rgb(254 252 232); border-right-color: rgb(254 252 232);
border-x-yellow-100 border-left-color: rgb(254 249 195); border-right-color: rgb(254 249 195);
border-x-yellow-200 border-left-color: rgb(254 240 138); border-right-color: rgb(254 240 138);
border-x-yellow-300 border-left-color: rgb(253 224 71); border-right-color: rgb(253 224 71);
border-x-yellow-400 border-left-color: rgb(250 204 21); border-right-color: rgb(250 204 21);
border-x-yellow-500 border-left-color: rgb(234 179 8); border-right-color: rgb(234 179 8);
border-x-yellow-600 border-left-color: rgb(202 138 4); border-right-color: rgb(202 138 4);
border-x-yellow-700 border-left-color: rgb(161 98 7); border-right-color: rgb(161 98 7);
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border-x-violet-200 border-left-color: rgb(221 214 254); border-right-color: rgb(221 214 254);
border-x-violet-300 border-left-color: rgb(196 181 253); border-right-color: rgb(196 181 253);
border-x-violet-400 border-left-color: rgb(167 139 250); border-right-color: rgb(167 139 250);
border-x-violet-500 border-left-color: rgb(139 92 246); border-right-color: rgb(139 92 246);
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border-x-purple-700 border-left-color: rgb(126 34 206); border-right-color: rgb(126 34 206);
border-x-purple-800 border-left-color: rgb(107 33 168); border-right-color: rgb(107 33 168);
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border-y-lime-900 border-top-color: rgb(54 83 20); border-bottom-color: rgb(54 83 20);
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border-y-green-100 border-top-color: rgb(220 252 231); border-bottom-color: rgb(220 252 231);
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border-y-violet-100 border-top-color: rgb(237 233 254); border-bottom-color: rgb(237 233 254);
border-y-violet-200 border-top-color: rgb(221 214 254); border-bottom-color: rgb(221 214 254);
border-y-violet-300 border-top-color: rgb(196 181 253); border-bottom-color: rgb(196 181 253);
border-y-violet-400 border-top-color: rgb(167 139 250); border-bottom-color: rgb(167 139 250);
border-y-violet-500 border-top-color: rgb(139 92 246); border-bottom-color: rgb(139 92 246);
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border-y-purple-200 border-top-color: rgb(233 213 255); border-bottom-color: rgb(233 213 255);
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border-y-purple-700 border-top-color: rgb(126 34 206); border-bottom-color: rgb(126 34 206);
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border-t-cyan-200 border-top-color: rgb(165 243 252);
border-t-cyan-300 border-top-color: rgb(103 232 249);
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border-t-blue-500 border-top-color: rgb(59 130 246);
border-t-blue-600 border-top-color: rgb(37 99 235);
border-t-blue-700 border-top-color: rgb(29 78 216);
border-t-blue-800 border-top-color: rgb(30 64 175);
border-t-blue-900 border-top-color: rgb(30 58 138);
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border-t-violet-200 border-top-color: rgb(221 214 254);
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border-t-purple-200 border-top-color: rgb(233 213 255);
border-t-purple-300 border-top-color: rgb(216 180 254);
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border-t-purple-600 border-top-color: rgb(147 51 234);
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border-b-teal-800 border-bottom-color: rgb(17 94 89);
border-b-teal-900 border-bottom-color: rgb(19 78 74);
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border-b-cyan-300 border-bottom-color: rgb(103 232 249);
border-b-cyan-400 border-bottom-color: rgb(34 211 238);
border-b-cyan-500 border-bottom-color: rgb(6 182 212);
border-b-cyan-600 border-bottom-color: rgb(8 145 178);
border-b-cyan-700 border-bottom-color: rgb(14 116 144);
border-b-cyan-800 border-bottom-color: rgb(21 94 117);
border-b-cyan-900 border-bottom-color: rgb(22 78 99);
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border-b-sky-100 border-bottom-color: rgb(224 242 254);
border-b-sky-200 border-bottom-color: rgb(186 230 253);
border-b-sky-300 border-bottom-color: rgb(125 211 252);
border-b-sky-400 border-bottom-color: rgb(56 189 248);
border-b-sky-500 border-bottom-color: rgb(14 165 233);
border-b-sky-600 border-bottom-color: rgb(2 132 199);
border-b-sky-700 border-bottom-color: rgb(3 105 161);
border-b-sky-800 border-bottom-color: rgb(7 89 133);
border-b-sky-900 border-bottom-color: rgb(12 74 110);
border-b-blue-50 border-bottom-color: rgb(239 246 255);
border-b-blue-100 border-bottom-color: rgb(219 234 254);
border-b-blue-200 border-bottom-color: rgb(191 219 254);
border-b-blue-300 border-bottom-color: rgb(147 197 253);
border-b-blue-400 border-bottom-color: rgb(96 165 250);
border-b-blue-500 border-bottom-color: rgb(59 130 246);
border-b-blue-600 border-bottom-color: rgb(37 99 235);
border-b-blue-700 border-bottom-color: rgb(29 78 216);
border-b-blue-800 border-bottom-color: rgb(30 64 175);
border-b-blue-900 border-bottom-color: rgb(30 58 138);
border-b-indigo-50 border-bottom-color: rgb(238 242 255);
border-b-indigo-100 border-bottom-color: rgb(224 231 255);
border-b-indigo-200 border-bottom-color: rgb(199 210 254);
border-b-indigo-300 border-bottom-color: rgb(165 180 252);
border-b-indigo-400 border-bottom-color: rgb(129 140 248);
border-b-indigo-500 border-bottom-color: rgb(99 102 241);
border-b-indigo-600 border-bottom-color: rgb(79 70 229);
border-b-indigo-700 border-bottom-color: rgb(67 56 202);
border-b-indigo-800 border-bottom-color: rgb(55 48 163);
border-b-indigo-900 border-bottom-color: rgb(49 46 129);
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border-b-violet-100 border-bottom-color: rgb(237 233 254);
border-b-violet-200 border-bottom-color: rgb(221 214 254);
border-b-violet-300 border-bottom-color: rgb(196 181 253);
border-b-violet-400 border-bottom-color: rgb(167 139 250);
border-b-violet-500 border-bottom-color: rgb(139 92 246);
border-b-violet-600 border-bottom-color: rgb(124 58 237);
border-b-violet-700 border-bottom-color: rgb(109 40 217);
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border-b-purple-100 border-bottom-color: rgb(243 232 255);
border-b-purple-200 border-bottom-color: rgb(233 213 255);
border-b-purple-300 border-bottom-color: rgb(216 180 254);
border-b-purple-400 border-bottom-color: rgb(192 132 252);
border-b-purple-500 border-bottom-color: rgb(168 85 247);
border-b-purple-600 border-bottom-color: rgb(147 51 234);
border-b-purple-700 border-bottom-color: rgb(126 34 206);
border-b-purple-800 border-bottom-color: rgb(107 33 168);
border-b-purple-900 border-bottom-color: rgb(88 28 135);
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border-b-fuchsia-100 border-bottom-color: rgb(250 232 255);
border-b-fuchsia-200 border-bottom-color: rgb(245 208 254);
border-b-fuchsia-300 border-bottom-color: rgb(240 171 252);
border-b-fuchsia-400 border-bottom-color: rgb(232 121 249);
border-b-fuchsia-500 border-bottom-color: rgb(217 70 239);
border-b-fuchsia-600 border-bottom-color: rgb(192 38 211);
border-b-fuchsia-700 border-bottom-color: rgb(162 28 175);
border-b-fuchsia-800 border-bottom-color: rgb(134 25 143);
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border-b-pink-50 border-bottom-color: rgb(253 242 248);
border-b-pink-100 border-bottom-color: rgb(252 231 243);
border-b-pink-200 border-bottom-color: rgb(251 207 232);
border-b-pink-300 border-bottom-color: rgb(249 168 212);
border-b-pink-400 border-bottom-color: rgb(244 114 182);
border-b-pink-500 border-bottom-color: rgb(236 72 153);
border-b-pink-600 border-bottom-color: rgb(219 39 119);
border-b-pink-700 border-bottom-color: rgb(190 24 93);
border-b-pink-800 border-bottom-color: rgb(157 23 77);
border-b-pink-900 border-bottom-color: rgb(131 24 67);
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border-b-rose-200 border-bottom-color: rgb(254 205 211);
border-b-rose-300 border-bottom-color: rgb(253 164 175);
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border-b-rose-500 border-bottom-color: rgb(244 63 94);
border-b-rose-600 border-bottom-color: rgb(225 29 72);
border-b-rose-700 border-bottom-color: rgb(190 18 60);
border-b-rose-800 border-bottom-color: rgb(159 18 57);
border-b-rose-900 border-bottom-color: rgb(136 19 55);
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border-l-slate-100 border-left-color: rgb(241 245 249);
border-l-slate-200 border-left-color: rgb(226 232 240);
border-l-slate-300 border-left-color: rgb(203 213 225);
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border-l-slate-500 border-left-color: rgb(100 116 139);
border-l-slate-600 border-left-color: rgb(71 85 105);
border-l-slate-700 border-left-color: rgb(51 65 85);
border-l-slate-800 border-left-color: rgb(30 41 59);
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border-l-gray-100 border-left-color: rgb(243 244 246);
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border-l-gray-300 border-left-color: rgb(209 213 219);
border-l-gray-400 border-left-color: rgb(156 163 175);
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border-l-gray-600 border-left-color: rgb(75 85 99);
border-l-gray-700 border-left-color: rgb(55 65 81);
border-l-gray-800 border-left-color: rgb(31 41 55);
border-l-gray-900 border-left-color: rgb(17 24 39);
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border-l-zinc-200 border-left-color: rgb(228 228 231);
border-l-zinc-300 border-left-color: rgb(212 212 216);
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border-l-zinc-500 border-left-color: rgb(113 113 122);
border-l-zinc-600 border-left-color: rgb(82 82 91);
border-l-zinc-700 border-left-color: rgb(63 63 70);
border-l-zinc-800 border-left-color: rgb(39 39 42);
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border-l-neutral-100 border-left-color: rgb(245 245 245);
border-l-neutral-200 border-left-color: rgb(229 229 229);
border-l-neutral-300 border-left-color: rgb(212 212 212);
border-l-neutral-400 border-left-color: rgb(163 163 163);
border-l-neutral-500 border-left-color: rgb(115 115 115);
border-l-neutral-600 border-left-color: rgb(82 82 82);
border-l-neutral-700 border-left-color: rgb(64 64 64);
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border-l-stone-100 border-left-color: rgb(245 245 244);
border-l-stone-200 border-left-color: rgb(231 229 228);
border-l-stone-300 border-left-color: rgb(214 211 209);
border-l-stone-400 border-left-color: rgb(168 162 158);
border-l-stone-500 border-left-color: rgb(120 113 108);
border-l-stone-600 border-left-color: rgb(87 83 78);
border-l-stone-700 border-left-color: rgb(68 64 60);
border-l-stone-800 border-left-color: rgb(41 37 36);
border-l-stone-900 border-left-color: rgb(28 25 23);
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border-l-red-100 border-left-color: rgb(254 226 226);
border-l-red-200 border-left-color: rgb(254 202 202);
border-l-red-300 border-left-color: rgb(252 165 165);
border-l-red-400 border-left-color: rgb(248 113 113);
border-l-red-500 border-left-color: rgb(239 68 68);
border-l-red-600 border-left-color: rgb(220 38 38);
border-l-red-700 border-left-color: rgb(185 28 28);
border-l-red-800 border-left-color: rgb(153 27 27);
border-l-red-900 border-left-color: rgb(127 29 29);
border-l-orange-50 border-left-color: rgb(255 247 237);
border-l-orange-100 border-left-color: rgb(255 237 213);
border-l-orange-200 border-left-color: rgb(254 215 170);
border-l-orange-300 border-left-color: rgb(253 186 116);
border-l-orange-400 border-left-color: rgb(251 146 60);
border-l-orange-500 border-left-color: rgb(249 115 22);
border-l-orange-600 border-left-color: rgb(234 88 12);
border-l-orange-700 border-left-color: rgb(194 65 12);
border-l-orange-800 border-left-color: rgb(154 52 18);
border-l-orange-900 border-left-color: rgb(124 45 18);
border-l-amber-50 border-left-color: rgb(255 251 235);
border-l-amber-100 border-left-color: rgb(254 243 199);
border-l-amber-200 border-left-color: rgb(253 230 138);
border-l-amber-300 border-left-color: rgb(252 211 77);
border-l-amber-400 border-left-color: rgb(251 191 36);
border-l-amber-500 border-left-color: rgb(245 158 11);
border-l-amber-600 border-left-color: rgb(217 119 6);
border-l-amber-700 border-left-color: rgb(180 83 9);
border-l-amber-800 border-left-color: rgb(146 64 14);
border-l-amber-900 border-left-color: rgb(120 53 15);
border-l-yellow-50 border-left-color: rgb(254 252 232);
border-l-yellow-100 border-left-color: rgb(254 249 195);
border-l-yellow-200 border-left-color: rgb(254 240 138);
border-l-yellow-300 border-left-color: rgb(253 224 71);
border-l-yellow-400 border-left-color: rgb(250 204 21);
border-l-yellow-500 border-left-color: rgb(234 179 8);
border-l-yellow-600 border-left-color: rgb(202 138 4);
border-l-yellow-700 border-left-color: rgb(161 98 7);
border-l-yellow-800 border-left-color: rgb(133 77 14);
border-l-yellow-900 border-left-color: rgb(113 63 18);
border-l-lime-50 border-left-color: rgb(247 254 231);
border-l-lime-100 border-left-color: rgb(236 252 203);
border-l-lime-200 border-left-color: rgb(217 249 157);
border-l-lime-300 border-left-color: rgb(190 242 100);
border-l-lime-400 border-left-color: rgb(163 230 53);
border-l-lime-500 border-left-color: rgb(132 204 22);
border-l-lime-600 border-left-color: rgb(101 163 13);
border-l-lime-700 border-left-color: rgb(77 124 15);
border-l-lime-800 border-left-color: rgb(63 98 18);
border-l-lime-900 border-left-color: rgb(54 83 20);
border-l-green-50 border-left-color: rgb(240 253 244);
border-l-green-100 border-left-color: rgb(220 252 231);
border-l-green-200 border-left-color: rgb(187 247 208);
border-l-green-300 border-left-color: rgb(134 239 172);
border-l-green-400 border-left-color: rgb(74 222 128);
border-l-green-500 border-left-color: rgb(34 197 94);
border-l-green-600 border-left-color: rgb(22 163 74);
border-l-green-700 border-left-color: rgb(21 128 61);
border-l-green-800 border-left-color: rgb(22 101 52);
border-l-green-900 border-left-color: rgb(20 83 45);
border-l-emerald-50 border-left-color: rgb(236 253 245);
border-l-emerald-100 border-left-color: rgb(209 250 229);
border-l-emerald-200 border-left-color: rgb(167 243 208);
border-l-emerald-300 border-left-color: rgb(110 231 183);
border-l-emerald-400 border-left-color: rgb(52 211 153);
border-l-emerald-500 border-left-color: rgb(16 185 129);
border-l-emerald-600 border-left-color: rgb(5 150 105);
border-l-emerald-700 border-left-color: rgb(4 120 87);
border-l-emerald-800 border-left-color: rgb(6 95 70);
border-l-emerald-900 border-left-color: rgb(6 78 59);
border-l-teal-50 border-left-color: rgb(240 253 250);
border-l-teal-100 border-left-color: rgb(204 251 241);
border-l-teal-200 border-left-color: rgb(153 246 228);
border-l-teal-300 border-left-color: rgb(94 234 212);
border-l-teal-400 border-left-color: rgb(45 212 191);
border-l-teal-500 border-left-color: rgb(20 184 166);
border-l-teal-600 border-left-color: rgb(13 148 136);
border-l-teal-700 border-left-color: rgb(15 118 110);
border-l-teal-800 border-left-color: rgb(17 94 89);
border-l-teal-900 border-left-color: rgb(19 78 74);
border-l-cyan-50 border-left-color: rgb(236 254 255);
border-l-cyan-100 border-left-color: rgb(207 250 254);
border-l-cyan-200 border-left-color: rgb(165 243 252);
border-l-cyan-300 border-left-color: rgb(103 232 249);
border-l-cyan-400 border-left-color: rgb(34 211 238);
border-l-cyan-500 border-left-color: rgb(6 182 212);
border-l-cyan-600 border-left-color: rgb(8 145 178);
border-l-cyan-700 border-left-color: rgb(14 116 144);
border-l-cyan-800 border-left-color: rgb(21 94 117);
border-l-cyan-900 border-left-color: rgb(22 78 99);
border-l-sky-50 border-left-color: rgb(240 249 255);
border-l-sky-100 border-left-color: rgb(224 242 254);
border-l-sky-200 border-left-color: rgb(186 230 253);
border-l-sky-300 border-left-color: rgb(125 211 252);
border-l-sky-400 border-left-color: rgb(56 189 248);
border-l-sky-500 border-left-color: rgb(14 165 233);
border-l-sky-600 border-left-color: rgb(2 132 199);
border-l-sky-700 border-left-color: rgb(3 105 161);
border-l-sky-800 border-left-color: rgb(7 89 133);
border-l-sky-900 border-left-color: rgb(12 74 110);
border-l-blue-50 border-left-color: rgb(239 246 255);
border-l-blue-100 border-left-color: rgb(219 234 254);
border-l-blue-200 border-left-color: rgb(191 219 254);
border-l-blue-300 border-left-color: rgb(147 197 253);
border-l-blue-400 border-left-color: rgb(96 165 250);
border-l-blue-500 border-left-color: rgb(59 130 246);
border-l-blue-600 border-left-color: rgb(37 99 235);
border-l-blue-700 border-left-color: rgb(29 78 216);
border-l-blue-800 border-left-color: rgb(30 64 175);
border-l-blue-900 border-left-color: rgb(30 58 138);
border-l-indigo-50 border-left-color: rgb(238 242 255);
border-l-indigo-100 border-left-color: rgb(224 231 255);
border-l-indigo-200 border-left-color: rgb(199 210 254);
border-l-indigo-300 border-left-color: rgb(165 180 252);
border-l-indigo-400 border-left-color: rgb(129 140 248);
border-l-indigo-500 border-left-color: rgb(99 102 241);
border-l-indigo-600 border-left-color: rgb(79 70 229);
border-l-indigo-700 border-left-color: rgb(67 56 202);
border-l-indigo-800 border-left-color: rgb(55 48 163);
border-l-indigo-900 border-left-color: rgb(49 46 129);
border-l-violet-50 border-left-color: rgb(245 243 255);
border-l-violet-100 border-left-color: rgb(237 233 254);
border-l-violet-200 border-left-color: rgb(221 214 254);
border-l-violet-300 border-left-color: rgb(196 181 253);
border-l-violet-400 border-left-color: rgb(167 139 250);
border-l-violet-500 border-left-color: rgb(139 92 246);
border-l-violet-600 border-left-color: rgb(124 58 237);
border-l-violet-700 border-left-color: rgb(109 40 217);
border-l-violet-800 border-left-color: rgb(91 33 182);
border-l-violet-900 border-left-color: rgb(76 29 149);
border-l-purple-50 border-left-color: rgb(250 245 255);
border-l-purple-100 border-left-color: rgb(243 232 255);
border-l-purple-200 border-left-color: rgb(233 213 255);
border-l-purple-300 border-left-color: rgb(216 180 254);
border-l-purple-400 border-left-color: rgb(192 132 252);
border-l-purple-500 border-left-color: rgb(168 85 247);
border-l-purple-600 border-left-color: rgb(147 51 234);
border-l-purple-700 border-left-color: rgb(126 34 206);
border-l-purple-800 border-left-color: rgb(107 33 168);
border-l-purple-900 border-left-color: rgb(88 28 135);
border-l-fuchsia-50 border-left-color: rgb(253 244 255);
border-l-fuchsia-100 border-left-color: rgb(250 232 255);
border-l-fuchsia-200 border-left-color: rgb(245 208 254);
border-l-fuchsia-300 border-left-color: rgb(240 171 252);
border-l-fuchsia-400 border-left-color: rgb(232 121 249);
border-l-fuchsia-500 border-left-color: rgb(217 70 239);
border-l-fuchsia-600 border-left-color: rgb(192 38 211);
border-l-fuchsia-700 border-left-color: rgb(162 28 175);
border-l-fuchsia-800 border-left-color: rgb(134 25 143);
border-l-fuchsia-900 border-left-color: rgb(112 26 117);
border-l-pink-50 border-left-color: rgb(253 242 248);
border-l-pink-100 border-left-color: rgb(252 231 243);
border-l-pink-200 border-left-color: rgb(251 207 232);
border-l-pink-300 border-left-color: rgb(249 168 212);
border-l-pink-400 border-left-color: rgb(244 114 182);
border-l-pink-500 border-left-color: rgb(236 72 153);
border-l-pink-600 border-left-color: rgb(219 39 119);
border-l-pink-700 border-left-color: rgb(190 24 93);
border-l-pink-800 border-left-color: rgb(157 23 77);
border-l-pink-900 border-left-color: rgb(131 24 67);
border-l-rose-50 border-left-color: rgb(255 241 242);
border-l-rose-100 border-left-color: rgb(255 228 230);
border-l-rose-200 border-left-color: rgb(254 205 211);
border-l-rose-300 border-left-color: rgb(253 164 175);
border-l-rose-400 border-left-color: rgb(251 113 133);
border-l-rose-500 border-left-color: rgb(244 63 94);
border-l-rose-600 border-left-color: rgb(225 29 72);
border-l-rose-700 border-left-color: rgb(190 18 60);
border-l-rose-800 border-left-color: rgb(159 18 57);
border-l-rose-900 border-left-color: rgb(136 19 55);

Divide Width


Divide Color


Divide Style


Outline Width


Class name Properties
outline-0 outline-width: 0px;
outline-1 outline-width: 1px;
outline-2 outline-width: 2px;
outline-4 outline-width: 4px;
outline-8 outline-width: 8px;

Outline Color


Class name Properties
outline-inherit outline-color: inherit;
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outline-transparent outline-color: transparent;
outline-black outline-color: #000;
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outline-orange-50 outline-color: #fff7ed;
outline-orange-100 outline-color: #ffedd5;
outline-orange-200 outline-color: #fed7aa;
outline-orange-300 outline-color: #fdba74;
outline-orange-400 outline-color: #fb923c;
outline-orange-500 outline-color: #f97316;
outline-orange-600 outline-color: #ea580c;
outline-orange-700 outline-color: #c2410c;
outline-orange-800 outline-color: #9a3412;
outline-orange-900 outline-color: #7c2d12;
outline-amber-50 outline-color: #fffbeb;
outline-amber-100 outline-color: #fef3c7;
outline-amber-200 outline-color: #fde68a;
outline-amber-300 outline-color: #fcd34d;
outline-amber-400 outline-color: #fbbf24;
outline-amber-500 outline-color: #f59e0b;
outline-amber-600 outline-color: #d97706;
outline-amber-700 outline-color: #b45309;
outline-amber-800 outline-color: #92400e;
outline-amber-900 outline-color: #78350f;
outline-yellow-50 outline-color: #fefce8;
outline-yellow-100 outline-color: #fef9c3;
outline-yellow-200 outline-color: #fef08a;
outline-yellow-300 outline-color: #fde047;
outline-yellow-400 outline-color: #facc15;
outline-yellow-500 outline-color: #eab308;
outline-yellow-600 outline-color: #ca8a04;
outline-yellow-700 outline-color: #a16207;
outline-yellow-800 outline-color: #854d0e;
outline-yellow-900 outline-color: #713f12;
outline-lime-50 outline-color: #f7fee7;
outline-lime-100 outline-color: #ecfccb;
outline-lime-200 outline-color: #d9f99d;
outline-lime-300 outline-color: #bef264;
outline-lime-400 outline-color: #a3e635;
outline-lime-500 outline-color: #84cc16;
outline-lime-600 outline-color: #65a30d;
outline-lime-700 outline-color: #4d7c0f;
outline-lime-800 outline-color: #3f6212;
outline-lime-900 outline-color: #365314;
outline-green-50 outline-color: #f0fdf4;
outline-green-100 outline-color: #dcfce7;
outline-green-200 outline-color: #bbf7d0;
outline-green-300 outline-color: #86efac;
outline-green-400 outline-color: #4ade80;
outline-green-500 outline-color: #22c55e;
outline-green-600 outline-color: #16a34a;
outline-green-700 outline-color: #15803d;
outline-green-800 outline-color: #166534;
outline-green-900 outline-color: #14532d;
outline-emerald-50 outline-color: #ecfdf5;
outline-emerald-100 outline-color: #d1fae5;
outline-emerald-200 outline-color: #a7f3d0;
outline-emerald-300 outline-color: #6ee7b7;
outline-emerald-400 outline-color: #34d399;
outline-emerald-500 outline-color: #10b981;
outline-emerald-600 outline-color: #059669;
outline-emerald-700 outline-color: #047857;
outline-emerald-800 outline-color: #065f46;
outline-emerald-900 outline-color: #064e3b;
outline-teal-50 outline-color: #f0fdfa;
outline-teal-100 outline-color: #ccfbf1;
outline-teal-200 outline-color: #99f6e4;
outline-teal-300 outline-color: #5eead4;
outline-teal-400 outline-color: #2dd4bf;
outline-teal-500 outline-color: #14b8a6;
outline-teal-600 outline-color: #0d9488;
outline-teal-700 outline-color: #0f766e;
outline-teal-800 outline-color: #115e59;
outline-teal-900 outline-color: #134e4a;
outline-cyan-50 outline-color: #ecfeff;
outline-cyan-100 outline-color: #cffafe;
outline-cyan-200 outline-color: #a5f3fc;
outline-cyan-300 outline-color: #67e8f9;
outline-cyan-400 outline-color: #22d3ee;
outline-cyan-500 outline-color: #06b6d4;
outline-cyan-600 outline-color: #0891b2;
outline-cyan-700 outline-color: #0e7490;
outline-cyan-800 outline-color: #155e75;
outline-cyan-900 outline-color: #164e63;
outline-sky-50 outline-color: #f0f9ff;
outline-sky-100 outline-color: #e0f2fe;
outline-sky-200 outline-color: #bae6fd;
outline-sky-300 outline-color: #7dd3fc;
outline-sky-400 outline-color: #38bdf8;
outline-sky-500 outline-color: #0ea5e9;
outline-sky-600 outline-color: #0284c7;
outline-sky-700 outline-color: #0369a1;
outline-sky-800 outline-color: #075985;
outline-sky-900 outline-color: #0c4a6e;
outline-blue-50 outline-color: #eff6ff;
outline-blue-100 outline-color: #dbeafe;
outline-blue-200 outline-color: #bfdbfe;
outline-blue-300 outline-color: #93c5fd;
outline-blue-400 outline-color: #60a5fa;
outline-blue-500 outline-color: #3b82f6;
outline-blue-600 outline-color: #2563eb;
outline-blue-700 outline-color: #1d4ed8;
outline-blue-800 outline-color: #1e40af;
outline-blue-900 outline-color: #1e3a8a;
outline-indigo-50 outline-color: #eef2ff;
outline-indigo-100 outline-color: #e0e7ff;
outline-indigo-200 outline-color: #c7d2fe;
outline-indigo-300 outline-color: #a5b4fc;
outline-indigo-400 outline-color: #818cf8;
outline-indigo-500 outline-color: #6366f1;
outline-indigo-600 outline-color: #4f46e5;
outline-indigo-700 outline-color: #4338ca;
outline-indigo-800 outline-color: #3730a3;
outline-indigo-900 outline-color: #312e81;
outline-violet-50 outline-color: #f5f3ff;
outline-violet-100 outline-color: #ede9fe;
outline-violet-200 outline-color: #ddd6fe;
outline-violet-300 outline-color: #c4b5fd;
outline-violet-400 outline-color: #a78bfa;
outline-violet-500 outline-color: #8b5cf6;
outline-violet-600 outline-color: #7c3aed;
outline-violet-700 outline-color: #6d28d9;
outline-violet-800 outline-color: #5b21b6;
outline-violet-900 outline-color: #4c1d95;
outline-purple-50 outline-color: #faf5ff;
outline-purple-100 outline-color: #f3e8ff;
outline-purple-200 outline-color: #e9d5ff;
outline-purple-300 outline-color: #d8b4fe;
outline-purple-400 outline-color: #c084fc;
outline-purple-500 outline-color: #a855f7;
outline-purple-600 outline-color: #9333ea;
outline-purple-700 outline-color: #7e22ce;
outline-purple-800 outline-color: #6b21a8;
outline-purple-900 outline-color: #581c87;
outline-fuchsia-50 outline-color: #fdf4ff;
outline-fuchsia-100 outline-color: #fae8ff;
outline-fuchsia-200 outline-color: #f5d0fe;
outline-fuchsia-300 outline-color: #f0abfc;
outline-fuchsia-400 outline-color: #e879f9;
outline-fuchsia-500 outline-color: #d946ef;
outline-fuchsia-600 outline-color: #c026d3;
outline-fuchsia-700 outline-color: #a21caf;
outline-fuchsia-800 outline-color: #86198f;
outline-fuchsia-900 outline-color: #701a75;
outline-pink-50 outline-color: #fdf2f8;
outline-pink-100 outline-color: #fce7f3;
outline-pink-200 outline-color: #fbcfe8;
outline-pink-300 outline-color: #f9a8d4;
outline-pink-400 outline-color: #f472b6;
outline-pink-500 outline-color: #ec4899;
outline-pink-600 outline-color: #db2777;
outline-pink-700 outline-color: #be185d;
outline-pink-800 outline-color: #9d174d;
outline-pink-900 outline-color: #831843;
outline-rose-50 outline-color: #fff1f2;
outline-rose-100 outline-color: #ffe4e6;
outline-rose-200 outline-color: #fecdd3;
outline-rose-300 outline-color: #fda4af;
outline-rose-400 outline-color: #fb7185;
outline-rose-500 outline-color: #f43f5e;
outline-rose-600 outline-color: #e11d48;
outline-rose-700 outline-color: #be123c;
outline-rose-800 outline-color: #9f1239;
outline-rose-900 outline-color: #881337;

Outline Style


Class name Properties
outline-none outline: 2px solid transparent; outline-offset: 2px;
outline outline-style: solid;
outline-dashed outline-style: dashed;
outline-dotted outline-style: dotted;
outline-double outline-style: double;

Outline Offset


Class name Properties
outline-offset-0 outline-offset: 0px;
outline-offset-1 outline-offset: 1px;
outline-offset-2 outline-offset: 2px;
outline-offset-4 outline-offset: 4px;
outline-offset-8 outline-offset: 8px;

Ring Width


Class name Properties
ring-0 box-shadow: var(–tw-ring-inset) 0 0 0 calc(0px + var(–tw-ring-offset-width)) var(–tw-ring-color);
ring-1 box-shadow: var(–tw-ring-inset) 0 0 0 calc(1px + var(–tw-ring-offset-width)) var(–tw-ring-color);
ring-2 box-shadow: var(–tw-ring-inset) 0 0 0 calc(2px + var(–tw-ring-offset-width)) var(–tw-ring-color);
ring box-shadow: var(–tw-ring-inset) 0 0 0 calc(3px + var(–tw-ring-offset-width)) var(–tw-ring-color);
ring-4 box-shadow: var(–tw-ring-inset) 0 0 0 calc(4px + var(–tw-ring-offset-width)) var(–tw-ring-color);
ring-8 box-shadow: var(–tw-ring-inset) 0 0 0 calc(8px + var(–tw-ring-offset-width)) var(–tw-ring-color);
ring-inset –tw-ring-inset: inset;

Ring Color


Class name Properties
ring-inherit –tw-ring-color: inherit;
ring-current –tw-ring-color: currentColor;
ring-transparent –tw-ring-color: transparent;
ring-black –tw-ring-color: rgb(0 0 0);
ring-white –tw-ring-color: rgb(255 255 255);
ring-slate-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(248 250 252);
ring-slate-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(241 245 249);
ring-slate-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(226 232 240);
ring-slate-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(203 213 225);
ring-slate-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(148 163 184);
ring-slate-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(100 116 139);
ring-slate-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(71 85 105);
ring-slate-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(51 65 85);
ring-slate-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(30 41 59);
ring-slate-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(15 23 42);
ring-gray-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(249 250 251);
ring-gray-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(243 244 246);
ring-gray-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(229 231 235);
ring-gray-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(209 213 219);
ring-gray-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(156 163 175);
ring-gray-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(107 114 128);
ring-gray-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(75 85 99);
ring-gray-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(55 65 81);
ring-gray-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(31 41 55);
ring-gray-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(17 24 39);
ring-zinc-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(250 250 250);
ring-zinc-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(244 244 245);
ring-zinc-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(228 228 231);
ring-zinc-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(212 212 216);
ring-zinc-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(161 161 170);
ring-zinc-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(113 113 122);
ring-zinc-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(82 82 91);
ring-zinc-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(63 63 70);
ring-zinc-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(39 39 42);
ring-zinc-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(24 24 27);
ring-neutral-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(250 250 250);
ring-neutral-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(245 245 245);
ring-neutral-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(229 229 229);
ring-neutral-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(212 212 212);
ring-neutral-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(163 163 163);
ring-neutral-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(115 115 115);
ring-neutral-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(82 82 82);
ring-neutral-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(64 64 64);
ring-neutral-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(38 38 38);
ring-neutral-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(23 23 23);
ring-stone-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(250 250 249);
ring-stone-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(245 245 244);
ring-stone-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(231 229 228);
ring-stone-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(214 211 209);
ring-stone-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(168 162 158);
ring-stone-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(120 113 108);
ring-stone-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(87 83 78);
ring-stone-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(68 64 60);
ring-stone-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(41 37 36);
ring-stone-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(28 25 23);
ring-red-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(254 242 242);
ring-red-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(254 226 226);
ring-red-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(254 202 202);
ring-red-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(252 165 165);
ring-red-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(248 113 113);
ring-red-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(239 68 68);
ring-red-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(220 38 38);
ring-red-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(185 28 28);
ring-red-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(153 27 27);
ring-red-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(127 29 29);
ring-orange-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(255 247 237);
ring-orange-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(255 237 213);
ring-orange-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(254 215 170);
ring-orange-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(253 186 116);
ring-orange-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(251 146 60);
ring-orange-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(249 115 22);
ring-orange-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(234 88 12);
ring-orange-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(194 65 12);
ring-orange-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(154 52 18);
ring-orange-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(124 45 18);
ring-amber-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(255 251 235);
ring-amber-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(254 243 199);
ring-amber-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(253 230 138);
ring-amber-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(252 211 77);
ring-amber-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(251 191 36);
ring-amber-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(245 158 11);
ring-amber-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(217 119 6);
ring-amber-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(180 83 9);
ring-amber-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(146 64 14);
ring-amber-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(120 53 15);
ring-yellow-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(254 252 232);
ring-yellow-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(254 249 195);
ring-yellow-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(254 240 138);
ring-yellow-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(253 224 71);
ring-yellow-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(250 204 21);
ring-yellow-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(234 179 8);
ring-yellow-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(202 138 4);
ring-yellow-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(161 98 7);
ring-yellow-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(133 77 14);
ring-yellow-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(113 63 18);
ring-lime-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(247 254 231);
ring-lime-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(236 252 203);
ring-lime-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(217 249 157);
ring-lime-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(190 242 100);
ring-lime-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(163 230 53);
ring-lime-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(132 204 22);
ring-lime-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(101 163 13);
ring-lime-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(77 124 15);
ring-lime-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(63 98 18);
ring-lime-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(54 83 20);
ring-green-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(240 253 244);
ring-green-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(220 252 231);
ring-green-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(187 247 208);
ring-green-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(134 239 172);
ring-green-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(74 222 128);
ring-green-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(34 197 94);
ring-green-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(22 163 74);
ring-green-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(21 128 61);
ring-green-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(22 101 52);
ring-green-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(20 83 45);
ring-emerald-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(236 253 245);
ring-emerald-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(209 250 229);
ring-emerald-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(167 243 208);
ring-emerald-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(110 231 183);
ring-emerald-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(52 211 153);
ring-emerald-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(16 185 129);
ring-emerald-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(5 150 105);
ring-emerald-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(4 120 87);
ring-emerald-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(6 95 70);
ring-emerald-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(6 78 59);
ring-teal-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(240 253 250);
ring-teal-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(204 251 241);
ring-teal-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(153 246 228);
ring-teal-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(94 234 212);
ring-teal-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(45 212 191);
ring-teal-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(20 184 166);
ring-teal-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(13 148 136);
ring-teal-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(15 118 110);
ring-teal-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(17 94 89);
ring-teal-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(19 78 74);
ring-cyan-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(236 254 255);
ring-cyan-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(207 250 254);
ring-cyan-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(165 243 252);
ring-cyan-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(103 232 249);
ring-cyan-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(34 211 238);
ring-cyan-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(6 182 212);
ring-cyan-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(8 145 178);
ring-cyan-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(14 116 144);
ring-cyan-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(21 94 117);
ring-cyan-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(22 78 99);
ring-sky-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(240 249 255);
ring-sky-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(224 242 254);
ring-sky-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(186 230 253);
ring-sky-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(125 211 252);
ring-sky-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(56 189 248);
ring-sky-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(14 165 233);
ring-sky-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(2 132 199);
ring-sky-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(3 105 161);
ring-sky-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(7 89 133);
ring-sky-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(12 74 110);
ring-blue-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(239 246 255);
ring-blue-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(219 234 254);
ring-blue-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(191 219 254);
ring-blue-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(147 197 253);
ring-blue-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(96 165 250);
ring-blue-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(59 130 246);
ring-blue-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(37 99 235);
ring-blue-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(29 78 216);
ring-blue-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(30 64 175);
ring-blue-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(30 58 138);
ring-indigo-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(238 242 255);
ring-indigo-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(224 231 255);
ring-indigo-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(199 210 254);
ring-indigo-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(165 180 252);
ring-indigo-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(129 140 248);
ring-indigo-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(99 102 241);
ring-indigo-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(79 70 229);
ring-indigo-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(67 56 202);
ring-indigo-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(55 48 163);
ring-indigo-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(49 46 129);
ring-violet-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(245 243 255);
ring-violet-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(237 233 254);
ring-violet-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(221 214 254);
ring-violet-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(196 181 253);
ring-violet-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(167 139 250);
ring-violet-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(139 92 246);
ring-violet-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(124 58 237);
ring-violet-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(109 40 217);
ring-violet-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(91 33 182);
ring-violet-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(76 29 149);
ring-purple-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(250 245 255);
ring-purple-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(243 232 255);
ring-purple-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(233 213 255);
ring-purple-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(216 180 254);
ring-purple-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(192 132 252);
ring-purple-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(168 85 247);
ring-purple-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(147 51 234);
ring-purple-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(126 34 206);
ring-purple-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(107 33 168);
ring-purple-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(88 28 135);
ring-fuchsia-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(253 244 255);
ring-fuchsia-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(250 232 255);
ring-fuchsia-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(245 208 254);
ring-fuchsia-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(240 171 252);
ring-fuchsia-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(232 121 249);
ring-fuchsia-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(217 70 239);
ring-fuchsia-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(192 38 211);
ring-fuchsia-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(162 28 175);
ring-fuchsia-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(134 25 143);
ring-fuchsia-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(112 26 117);
ring-pink-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(253 242 248);
ring-pink-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(252 231 243);
ring-pink-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(251 207 232);
ring-pink-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(249 168 212);
ring-pink-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(244 114 182);
ring-pink-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(236 72 153);
ring-pink-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(219 39 119);
ring-pink-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(190 24 93);
ring-pink-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(157 23 77);
ring-pink-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(131 24 67);
ring-rose-50 –tw-ring-color: rgb(255 241 242);
ring-rose-100 –tw-ring-color: rgb(255 228 230);
ring-rose-200 –tw-ring-color: rgb(254 205 211);
ring-rose-300 –tw-ring-color: rgb(253 164 175);
ring-rose-400 –tw-ring-color: rgb(251 113 133);
ring-rose-500 –tw-ring-color: rgb(244 63 94);
ring-rose-600 –tw-ring-color: rgb(225 29 72);
ring-rose-700 –tw-ring-color: rgb(190 18 60);
ring-rose-800 –tw-ring-color: rgb(159 18 57);
ring-rose-900 –tw-ring-color: rgb(136 19 55);

Ring Offset Width


Class name Properties
ring-offset-0 –tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; box-shadow: 0 0 0 var(–tw-ring-offset-width) var(–tw-ring-offset-color), var(–tw-ring-shadow);
ring-offset-1 –tw-ring-offset-width: 1px; box-shadow: 0 0 0 var(–tw-ring-offset-width) var(–tw-ring-offset-color), var(–tw-ring-shadow);
ring-offset-2 –tw-ring-offset-width: 2px; box-shadow: 0 0 0 var(–tw-ring-offset-width) var(–tw-ring-offset-color), var(–tw-ring-shadow);
ring-offset-4 –tw-ring-offset-width: 4px; box-shadow: 0 0 0 var(–tw-ring-offset-width) var(–tw-ring-offset-color), var(–tw-ring-shadow);
ring-offset-8 –tw-ring-offset-width: 8px; box-shadow: 0 0 0 var(–tw-ring-offset-width) var(–tw-ring-offset-color), var(–tw-ring-shadow);

Ring Offset Color


Flexbox & Grid



Class name Properties
flex-1 flex: 1 1 0%;
flex-auto flex: 1 1 auto;
flex-initial flex: 0 1 auto;
flex-none flex: none;

Flex Basis


Class name Properties
basis-0 flex-basis: 0px;
basis-1 flex-basis: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
basis-2 flex-basis: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
basis-3 flex-basis: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
basis-4 flex-basis: 1rem; /* 16px */
basis-5 flex-basis: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
basis-6 flex-basis: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
basis-7 flex-basis: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
basis-8 flex-basis: 2rem; /* 32px */
basis-9 flex-basis: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
basis-10 flex-basis: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
basis-11 flex-basis: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
basis-12 flex-basis: 3rem; /* 48px */
basis-14 flex-basis: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
basis-16 flex-basis: 4rem; /* 64px */
basis-20 flex-basis: 5rem; /* 80px */
basis-24 flex-basis: 6rem; /* 96px */
basis-28 flex-basis: 7rem; /* 112px */
basis-32 flex-basis: 8rem; /* 128px */
basis-36 flex-basis: 9rem; /* 144px */
basis-40 flex-basis: 10rem; /* 160px */
basis-44 flex-basis: 11rem; /* 176px */
basis-48 flex-basis: 12rem; /* 192px */
basis-52 flex-basis: 13rem; /* 208px */
basis-56 flex-basis: 14rem; /* 224px */
basis-60 flex-basis: 15rem; /* 240px */
basis-64 flex-basis: 16rem; /* 256px */
basis-72 flex-basis: 18rem; /* 288px */
basis-80 flex-basis: 20rem; /* 320px */
basis-96 flex-basis: 24rem; /* 384px */
basis-auto flex-basis: auto;
basis-px flex-basis: 1px;
basis-0.5 flex-basis: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
basis-1.5 flex-basis: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
basis-2.5 flex-basis: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
basis-3.5 flex-basis: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
basis-1/2 flex-basis: 50%;
basis-1/3 flex-basis: 33.333333%;
basis-2/3 flex-basis: 66.666667%;
basis-1/4 flex-basis: 25%;
basis-2/4 flex-basis: 50%;
basis-3/4 flex-basis: 75%;
basis-1/5 flex-basis: 20%;
basis-2/5 flex-basis: 40%;
basis-3/5 flex-basis: 60%;
basis-4/5 flex-basis: 80%;
basis-1/6 flex-basis: 16.666667%;
basis-2/6 flex-basis: 33.333333%;
basis-3/6 flex-basis: 50%;
basis-4/6 flex-basis: 66.666667%;
basis-5/6 flex-basis: 83.333333%;
basis-1/12 flex-basis: 8.333333%;
basis-2/12 flex-basis: 16.666667%;
basis-3/12 flex-basis: 25%;
basis-4/12 flex-basis: 33.333333%;
basis-5/12 flex-basis: 41.666667%;
basis-6/12 flex-basis: 50%;
basis-7/12 flex-basis: 58.333333%;
basis-8/12 flex-basis: 66.666667%;
basis-9/12 flex-basis: 75%;
basis-10/12 flex-basis: 83.333333%;
basis-11/12 flex-basis: 91.666667%;
basis-full flex-basis: 100%;

Flex Direction


Class name Properties
flex-row flex-direction: row;
flex-row-reverse flex-direction: row-reverse;
flex-col flex-direction: column;
flex-col-reverse flex-direction: column-reverse;

Flex Wrap


Class name Properties
flex-wrap flex-wrap: wrap;
flex-wrap-reverse flex-wrap: wrap-reverse;
flex-nowrap flex-wrap: nowrap;

Flex Grow


Class name Properties
grow flex-grow: 1;
grow-0 flex-grow: 0;

Flex Shrink


Class name Properties
shrink flex-shrink: 1;
shrink-0 flex-shrink: 0;



Class name Properties
order-1 order: 1;
order-2 order: 2;
order-3 order: 3;
order-4 order: 4;
order-5 order: 5;
order-6 order: 6;
order-7 order: 7;
order-8 order: 8;
order-9 order: 9;
order-10 order: 10;
order-11 order: 11;
order-12 order: 12;
order-first order: -9999;
order-last order: 9999;
order-none order: 0;

Grid Template Columns


Class name Properties
grid-cols-1 grid-template-columns: repeat(1, minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-cols-2 grid-template-columns: repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-cols-3 grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-cols-4 grid-template-columns: repeat(4, minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-cols-5 grid-template-columns: repeat(5, minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-cols-6 grid-template-columns: repeat(6, minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-cols-7 grid-template-columns: repeat(7, minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-cols-8 grid-template-columns: repeat(8, minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-cols-9 grid-template-columns: repeat(9, minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-cols-10 grid-template-columns: repeat(10, minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-cols-11 grid-template-columns: repeat(11, minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-cols-12 grid-template-columns: repeat(12, minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-cols-none grid-template-columns: none;

Grid Column Start / End


Class name Properties
col-auto grid-column: auto;
col-span-1 grid-column: span 1 / span 1;
col-span-2 grid-column: span 2 / span 2;
col-span-3 grid-column: span 3 / span 3;
col-span-4 grid-column: span 4 / span 4;
col-span-5 grid-column: span 5 / span 5;
col-span-6 grid-column: span 6 / span 6;
col-span-7 grid-column: span 7 / span 7;
col-span-8 grid-column: span 8 / span 8;
col-span-9 grid-column: span 9 / span 9;
col-span-10 grid-column: span 10 / span 10;
col-span-11 grid-column: span 11 / span 11;
col-span-12 grid-column: span 12 / span 12;
col-span-full grid-column: 1 / -1;
col-start-1 grid-column-start: 1;
col-start-2 grid-column-start: 2;
col-start-3 grid-column-start: 3;
col-start-4 grid-column-start: 4;
col-start-5 grid-column-start: 5;
col-start-6 grid-column-start: 6;
col-start-7 grid-column-start: 7;
col-start-8 grid-column-start: 8;
col-start-9 grid-column-start: 9;
col-start-10 grid-column-start: 10;
col-start-11 grid-column-start: 11;
col-start-12 grid-column-start: 12;
col-start-13 grid-column-start: 13;
col-start-auto grid-column-start: auto;
col-end-1 grid-column-end: 1;
col-end-2 grid-column-end: 2;
col-end-3 grid-column-end: 3;
col-end-4 grid-column-end: 4;
col-end-5 grid-column-end: 5;
col-end-6 grid-column-end: 6;
col-end-7 grid-column-end: 7;
col-end-8 grid-column-end: 8;
col-end-9 grid-column-end: 9;
col-end-10 grid-column-end: 10;
col-end-11 grid-column-end: 11;
col-end-12 grid-column-end: 12;
col-end-13 grid-column-end: 13;
col-end-auto grid-column-end: auto;

Grid Template Rows


Class name Properties
grid-rows-1 grid-template-rows: repeat(1, minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-rows-2 grid-template-rows: repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-rows-3 grid-template-rows: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-rows-4 grid-template-rows: repeat(4, minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-rows-5 grid-template-rows: repeat(5, minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-rows-6 grid-template-rows: repeat(6, minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-rows-none grid-template-rows: none;

Grid Row Start / End


Class name Properties
row-auto grid-row: auto;
row-span-1 grid-row: span 1 / span 1;
row-span-2 grid-row: span 2 / span 2;
row-span-3 grid-row: span 3 / span 3;
row-span-4 grid-row: span 4 / span 4;
row-span-5 grid-row: span 5 / span 5;
row-span-6 grid-row: span 6 / span 6;
row-span-full grid-row: 1 / -1;
row-start-1 grid-row-start: 1;
row-start-2 grid-row-start: 2;
row-start-3 grid-row-start: 3;
row-start-4 grid-row-start: 4;
row-start-5 grid-row-start: 5;
row-start-6 grid-row-start: 6;
row-start-7 grid-row-start: 7;
row-start-auto grid-row-start: auto;
row-end-1 grid-row-end: 1;
row-end-2 grid-row-end: 2;
row-end-3 grid-row-end: 3;
row-end-4 grid-row-end: 4;
row-end-5 grid-row-end: 5;
row-end-6 grid-row-end: 6;
row-end-7 grid-row-end: 7;
row-end-auto grid-row-end: auto;

Grid Auto Flow


Class name Properties
grid-flow-row grid-auto-flow: row;
grid-flow-col grid-auto-flow: column;
grid-flow-dense grid-auto-flow: dense;
grid-flow-row-dense grid-auto-flow: row dense;
grid-flow-col-dense grid-auto-flow: column dense;

Grid Auto Columns


Class name Properties
auto-cols-auto grid-auto-columns: auto;
auto-cols-min grid-auto-columns: min-content;
auto-cols-max grid-auto-columns: max-content;
auto-cols-fr grid-auto-columns: minmax(0, 1fr);

Grid Auto Rows


Class name Properties
auto-rows-auto grid-auto-rows: auto;
auto-rows-min grid-auto-rows: min-content;
auto-rows-max grid-auto-rows: max-content;
auto-rows-fr grid-auto-rows: minmax(0, 1fr);



Class name Properties
gap-0 gap: 0px;
gap-x-0 column-gap: 0px;
gap-y-0 row-gap: 0px;
gap-px gap: 1px;
gap-x-px column-gap: 1px;
gap-y-px row-gap: 1px;
gap-0.5 gap: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
gap-x-0.5 column-gap: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
gap-y-0.5 row-gap: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
gap-1 gap: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
gap-x-1 column-gap: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
gap-y-1 row-gap: 0.25rem; /* 4px */
gap-1.5 gap: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
gap-x-1.5 column-gap: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
gap-y-1.5 row-gap: 0.375rem; /* 6px */
gap-2 gap: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
gap-x-2 column-gap: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
gap-y-2 row-gap: 0.5rem; /* 8px */
gap-2.5 gap: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
gap-x-2.5 column-gap: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
gap-y-2.5 row-gap: 0.625rem; /* 10px */
gap-3 gap: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
gap-x-3 column-gap: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
gap-y-3 row-gap: 0.75rem; /* 12px */
gap-3.5 gap: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
gap-x-3.5 column-gap: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
gap-y-3.5 row-gap: 0.875rem; /* 14px */
gap-4 gap: 1rem; /* 16px */
gap-x-4 column-gap: 1rem; /* 16px */
gap-y-4 row-gap: 1rem; /* 16px */
gap-5 gap: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
gap-x-5 column-gap: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
gap-y-5 row-gap: 1.25rem; /* 20px */
gap-6 gap: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
gap-x-6 column-gap: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
gap-y-6 row-gap: 1.5rem; /* 24px */
gap-7 gap: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
gap-x-7 column-gap: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
gap-y-7 row-gap: 1.75rem; /* 28px */
gap-8 gap: 2rem; /* 32px */
gap-x-8 column-gap: 2rem; /* 32px */
gap-y-8 row-gap: 2rem; /* 32px */
gap-9 gap: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
gap-x-9 column-gap: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
gap-y-9 row-gap: 2.25rem; /* 36px */
gap-10 gap: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
gap-x-10 column-gap: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
gap-y-10 row-gap: 2.5rem; /* 40px */
gap-11 gap: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
gap-x-11 column-gap: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
gap-y-11 row-gap: 2.75rem; /* 44px */
gap-12 gap: 3rem; /* 48px */
gap-x-12 column-gap: 3rem; /* 48px */
gap-y-12 row-gap: 3rem; /* 48px */
gap-14 gap: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
gap-x-14 column-gap: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
gap-y-14 row-gap: 3.5rem; /* 56px */
gap-16 gap: 4rem; /* 64px */
gap-x-16 column-gap: 4rem; /* 64px */
gap-y-16 row-gap: 4rem; /* 64px */
gap-20 gap: 5rem; /* 80px */
gap-x-20 column-gap: 5rem; /* 80px */
gap-y-20 row-gap: 5rem; /* 80px */
gap-24 gap: 6rem; /* 96px */
gap-x-24 column-gap: 6rem; /* 96px */
gap-y-24 row-gap: 6rem; /* 96px */
gap-28 gap: 7rem; /* 112px */
gap-x-28 column-gap: 7rem; /* 112px */
gap-y-28 row-gap: 7rem; /* 112px */
gap-32 gap: 8rem; /* 128px */
gap-x-32 column-gap: 8rem; /* 128px */
gap-y-32 row-gap: 8rem; /* 128px */
gap-36 gap: 9rem; /* 144px */
gap-x-36 column-gap: 9rem; /* 144px */
gap-y-36 row-gap: 9rem; /* 144px */
gap-40 gap: 10rem; /* 160px */
gap-x-40 column-gap: 10rem; /* 160px */
gap-y-40 row-gap: 10rem; /* 160px */
gap-44 gap: 11rem; /* 176px */
gap-x-44 column-gap: 11rem; /* 176px */
gap-y-44 row-gap: 11rem; /* 176px */
gap-48 gap: 12rem; /* 192px */
gap-x-48 column-gap: 12rem; /* 192px */
gap-y-48 row-gap: 12rem; /* 192px */
gap-52 gap: 13rem; /* 208px */
gap-x-52 column-gap: 13rem; /* 208px */
gap-y-52 row-gap: 13rem; /* 208px */
gap-56 gap: 14rem; /* 224px */
gap-x-56 column-gap: 14rem; /* 224px */
gap-y-56 row-gap: 14rem; /* 224px */
gap-60 gap: 15rem; /* 240px */
gap-x-60 column-gap: 15rem; /* 240px */
gap-y-60 row-gap: 15rem; /* 240px */
gap-64 gap: 16rem; /* 256px */
gap-x-64 column-gap: 16rem; /* 256px */
gap-y-64 row-gap: 16rem; /* 256px */
gap-72 gap: 18rem; /* 288px */
gap-x-72 column-gap: 18rem; /* 288px */
gap-y-72 row-gap: 18rem; /* 288px */
gap-80 gap: 20rem; /* 320px */
gap-x-80 column-gap: 20rem; /* 320px */
gap-y-80 row-gap: 20rem; /* 320px */
gap-96 gap: 24rem; /* 384px */
gap-x-96 column-gap: 24rem; /* 384px */
gap-y-96 row-gap: 24rem; /* 384px */

Justify Content


Class name Properties
justify-start justify-content: flex-start;
justify-end justify-content: flex-end;
justify-center justify-content: center;
justify-between justify-content: space-between;
justify-around justify-content: space-around;
justify-evenly justify-content: space-evenly;

Justify Items


Class name Properties
justify-items-start justify-items: start;
justify-items-end justify-items: end;
justify-items-center justify-items: center;
justify-items-stretch justify-items: stretch;

Justify Self


Class name Properties
justify-self-auto justify-self: auto;
justify-self-start justify-self: start;
justify-self-end justify-self: end;
justify-self-center justify-self: center;
justify-self-stretch justify-self: stretch;

Align Content


Class name Properties
content-center align-content: center;
content-start align-content: flex-start;
content-end align-content: flex-end;
content-between align-content: space-between;
content-around align-content: space-around;
content-evenly align-content: space-evenly;
content-baseline align-content: baseline;

Align Items


Class name Properties
items-start align-items: flex-start;
items-end align-items: flex-end;
items-center align-items: center;
items-baseline align-items: baseline;
items-stretch align-items: stretch;

Align Self


Class name Properties
self-auto align-self: auto;
self-start align-self: flex-start;
self-end align-self: flex-end;
self-center align-self: center;
self-stretch align-self: stretch;
self-baseline align-self: baseline;

Place Content


Class name Properties
place-content-center place-content: center;
place-content-start place-content: start;
place-content-end place-content: end;
place-content-between place-content: space-between;
place-content-around place-content: space-around;
place-content-evenly place-content: space-evenly;
place-content-baseline place-content: baseline;
place-content-stretch place-content: stretch;

Place Items


Class name Properties
place-items-start place-items: start;
place-items-end place-items: end;
place-items-center place-items: center;
place-items-baseline place-items: baseline;
place-items-stretch place-items: stretch;

Place Self


Class name Properties
place-self-auto place-self: auto;
place-self-start place-self: start;
place-self-end place-self: end;
place-self-center place-self: center;
place-self-stretch place-self: stretch;


Aspect Ratio


Class name Properties
aspect-auto aspect-ratio: auto;
aspect-square aspect-ratio: 1 / 1;
aspect-video aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;



Class name Breakpoint Properties
container None width: 100%;
container sm (640px) max-width: 640px;
container md (768px) max-width: 768px;
container lg (1024px) max-width: 1024px;
container xl (1280px) max-width: 1280px;
container 2xl (1536px) max-width: 1536px;
<div class="container mx-auto px-4">
  <!-- ... -->



Class name Properties
columns-1 columns: 1;
columns-2 columns: 2;
columns-3 columns: 3;
columns-4 columns: 4;
columns-5 columns: 5;
columns-6 columns: 6;
columns-7 columns: 7;
columns-8 columns: 8;
columns-9 columns: 9;
columns-10 columns: 10;
columns-11 columns: 11;
columns-12 columns: 12;
columns-auto columns: auto;
columns-3xs columns: 16rem; /* 256px */
columns-2xs columns: 18rem; /* 288px */
columns-xs columns: 20rem; /* 320px */
columns-sm columns: 24rem; /* 384px */
columns-md columns: 28rem; /* 448px */
columns-lg columns: 32rem; /* 512px */
columns-xl columns: 36rem; /* 576px */
columns-2xl columns: 42rem; /* 672px */
columns-3xl columns: 48rem; /* 768px */
columns-4xl columns: 56rem; /* 896px */
columns-5xl columns: 64rem; /* 1024px */
columns-6xl columns: 72rem; /* 1152px */
columns-7xl columns: 80rem; /* 1280px */

Break After


Class name Properties
break-after-auto break-after: auto;
break-after-avoid break-after: avoid;
break-after-all break-after: all;
break-after-avoid-page break-after: avoid-page;
break-after-page break-after: page;
break-after-left break-after: left;
break-after-right break-after: right;
break-after-column break-after: column;

Break Before


Class name Properties
break-before-auto break-before: auto;
break-before-avoid break-before: avoid;
break-before-all break-before: all;
break-before-avoid-page break-before: avoid-page;
break-before-page break-before: page;
break-before-left break-before: left;
break-before-right break-before: right;
break-before-column break-before: column;

Break Inside


Class name Properties
break-inside-auto break-inside: auto;
break-inside-avoid break-inside: avoid;
break-inside-avoid-page break-inside: avoid-page;
break-inside-avoid-column break-inside: avoid-column;

Box Decoration Break


Class name Properties
box-decoration-clone box-decoration-break: clone;
box-decoration-slice box-decoration-break: slice;

Box Sizing


Class name Properties
box-border box-sizing: border-box;
box-content box-sizing: content-box;



Class name Properties
block display: block;
inline-block display: inline-block;
inline display: inline;
flex display: flex;
inline-flex display: inline-flex;
table display: table;
inline-table display: inline-table;
table-caption display: table-caption;
table-cell display: table-cell;
table-column display: table-column;
table-column-group display: table-column-group;
table-footer-group display: table-footer-group;
table-header-group display: table-header-group;
table-row-group display: table-row-group;
table-row display: table-row;
flow-root display: flow-root;
grid display: grid;
inline-grid display: inline-grid;
contents display: contents;
list-item display: list-item;
hidden display: none;



Class name Properties
float-right float: right;
float-left float: left;
float-none float: none;



Class name Properties
clear-left clear: left;
clear-right clear: right;
clear-both clear: both;
clear-none clear: none;



Class name Properties
isolate isolation: isolate;
isolation-auto isolation: auto;

Object Fit


Class name Properties
object-contain object-fit: contain;
object-cover object-fit: cover;
object-fill object-fit: fill;
object-none object-fit: none;
object-scale-down object-fit: scale-down;

Object Position


Class name Properties
object-bottom object-position: bottom;
object-center object-position: center;
object-left object-position: left;
object-left-bottom object-position: left bottom;
object-left-top object-position: left top;
object-right object-position: right;
object-right-bottom object-position: right bottom;
object-right-top object-position: right top;
object-top object-position: top;



Class name Properties
overflow-auto overflow: auto;
overflow-hidden overflow: hidden;
overflow-clip overflow: clip;
overflow-visible overflow: visible;
overflow-scroll overflow: scroll;
overflow-x-auto overflow-x: auto;
overflow-y-auto overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x-hidden overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y-hidden overflow-y: hidden;
overflow-x-clip overflow-x: clip;
overflow-y-clip overflow-y: clip;
overflow-x-visible overflow-x: visible;
overflow-y-visible overflow-y: visible;
overflow-x-scroll overflow-x: scroll;
overflow-y-scroll overflow-y: scroll;

Overscroll Behavior


Class name Properties
overscroll-auto overscroll-behavior: auto;
overscroll-contain overscroll-behavior: contain;
overscroll-none overscroll-behavior: none;
overscroll-y-auto overscroll-behavior-y: auto;
overscroll-y-contain overscroll-behavior-y: contain;
overscroll-y-none overscroll-behavior-y: none;
overscroll-x-auto overscroll-behavior-x: auto;
overscroll-x-contain overscroll-behavior-x: contain;
overscroll-x-none overscroll-behavior-x: none;



Class name Properties
static position: static;
fixed position: fixed;
absolute position: absolute;
relative position: relative;
sticky position: sticky;

Top / Right / Bottom / Left


Class name Properties
inset-0 top: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; left: 0px;
inset-x-0 left: 0px; right: 0px;
inset-y-0 top: 0px; bottom: 0px;
top-0 top: 0px;
right-0 right: 0px;
bottom-0 bottom: 0px;
left-0 left: 0px;
inset-px top: 1px; right: 1px; bottom: 1px; left: 1px;
inset-x-px left: 1px; right: 1px;
inset-y-px top: 1px; bottom: 1px;
top-px top: 1px;
right-px right: 1px;
bottom-px bottom: 1px;
left-px left: 1px;
inset-0.5 top: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ right: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ bottom: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ left: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
inset-x-0.5 left: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ right: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
inset-y-0.5 top: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ bottom: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
top-0.5 top: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
right-0.5 right: 0.125rem; /* 2px */
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Class name Properties
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Class name Properties
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Box Shadow


Class name Properties
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shadow-inner box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 0.05);
shadow-none box-shadow: 0 0 #0000;

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